Home 2023 2023 September Fascism – Attribute and Way of Existence of Imperialism

Fascism – Attribute and Way of Existence of Imperialism

Klara Azhybekova | Communist Party of Kyrgyzstan

The problems of imperialism, its systemic colonial policy at any time, the steady fascistization of all spheres of its activities, causes both interest and protest of researchers, political and social organizations, working masses all over the world! The aggravation of antagonistic contradictions of capitalism in its highest stage of development of imperialism at the present stage has been actualized! A legitimate question arises, why have the most developed states of the imperialist West become extremely reactionary and extremely morally decayed and how can this lawlessness be stopped!? FASCISTIZATION is a natural, logical, internally conditioned way of existence of imperialism, which extremely worsens the life of all mankind, especially its developing part!

The classics of Marxism have long ago discovered the patterns of society’s development from one type of formation to another. Like a human organism, so any formation arises, develops, reaches maturity, then old age and passes away! In its place, a new, more perfect formation arises, which meets the needs of a particular level of humanity’s development! So with the emergence of society, it lived through the primitive communal, slave-holding, feudal, capitalist and the beginning of the socialist stage of formation! In their evolution and transition to a new quality, all the laws of materialistic dialectics apply everywhere! The primitive communal and socialist stage are characterized by public ownership of the means of production! And the others are characterized by private ownership of the means of production! All these forms of property themselves evolve and develop within the formation, modifying in a special way affect the entire system of productive forces and production relations! We will dwell on capitalist relations and the causes of their FASCISTIZATION! Marxism proved that surplus value as “appropriation of unpaid labor is the main form of the capitalist mode of production and its exploitation of workers carried out by it ….. from which the ever-increasing mass of capital accumulates in the hands of the propertied classes.” (F. Engels. The Development of Socialism from Utopia to Science. – K. Marx and F. Engels. Soch, vol. 19, pp. 208-209)! As capitalist relations develop, this surplus value grows and grows, the bourgeoisie grows richer and richer! The exploitation of the working class is also increasing. Social class contradictions are increasing.

One of the manifestations of imperialism and a factor in its fascistization is its MONOPOLIZATION. The unions of capitalists are increasing in the form of cartels, syndicates, trusts! The XX-XXI centuries are huge transnational corporations, where the productive forces and the number of the working class are concentrated on a large scale. In the sphere of production relations, as before, all property belongs to capitalists, exploitation is increasing and makes the life of the working masses simply unbearable! If at the initial stage of development of capitalism there was still a possibility of development of medium and small business, then in conditions of monopolization almost all spheres are in the hands of a bunch of super-rich owners! After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the new bourgeois authorities, destroying socialist property, giving it away left and right for nothing, were ranting every day about the creation of medium and small businesses. Why? First, to liquidate socialist plants and factories and give them any owner who would bring them to destruction or liquidation! Secondly, the West and the new bourgeois power was afraid of the concentration of a large QUANTITY of the WORKING CLASS, which could return power to the workers again! But in this short historical period of 31 years, we have all witnessed how the process of monopolization of the most diverse spheres of production has begun again! The truth is that they are still afraid of the restoration of the large STATE industrial enterprises, no matter what happens! They are silent! They are afraid of the return of the socialist type of production, afraid to run a planned economy! As if they had water in their mouths! Scary!

V.I. Lenin in his work “Imperialism, the highest stage of capitalism” (V.I. Lenin. PSS, vol. 27, p.420-423) reveals the essence and manifestations of imperialism. He shows that for imperialism

* (Imperialism) is characterized by the seizure of the most important sources of raw materials! If we turn to the current developed imperialist states like the USA and European states, then all tragic events in Iraq, Libya, Syria, previously African states were caused by violent seizure of natural resources necessary for them, such as oil, gas, black earth from Ukraine, various metals and other resources necessary for production.

Moreover, these states did not touch the USA, Britain, France or Germany! But they could! Under various far-fetched pretexts, they simply bombed and took everything they needed from there! This undoubtedly causes a natural protest of both the elite and the working masses. Having ruined the Soviet Union, they looted them as much as they could! They are sharpening their teeth on Russia! They have taken everything they could! There is still a lot of wealth there, but they want to seize the whole territory of Russia! They want it so badly! All the former republics of the Soviet Union are after Russia! All the fascism of Western imperialism had to experience by the Soviet people on their own skin! Through the IMF gave proposals to stop enterprises, did not give wages for months and even years, destroyed economic ties between the republics! Pay attention! At the same time, when people were losing their jobs, the republican parliaments passed laws on paid education, paid medicine, prices for everything were rising at a galloping pace by tens and hundreds of times! Wasn’t it FASCISM? Moreover, pediatric faculties in medical schools, children’s clinics, kindergartens and nurseries were closed! Wasn’t it quite conscious, systematic genocide of the Soviet people and their children? In Kyrgyzstan in the 90s “reforms” went on like that! Western advisers sat next to the Presidents! The Soros Foundation was only realizing the Harvard-Houston project of the West!

* The classics of Marxism pointed out that the attribute of imperialism is the MONOPOLY OF BANKS! Banking capital, merging with industrial capital, exports capital abroad in enormous amounts! The private and state banks that emerged after the collapse of the Soviet Union gave loans at 40% per annum! How is it possible to develop a normal business for such interest rates and short terms? Think about it, all the money in the world is owned and managed by the Fed/FRS — FINANCIAL RESERVE SYSTEM! All banks report to it. Not only to issue their own national currency you have to pay it with dollars! Amazing lawlessness and lawlessness! Do the peoples of the world know that all the assets of the Fed are assets starting from the Kyrgyz Khaganate, then the Golden Horde, the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union! At one time, Russian Tsar Alexander II, it turns out, gave numerous tons of gold for this Fed for quite other purposes! But the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Baruchs appropriated them, made such business! But they are obliged to return all the assets of the Fed to the Soviet Union! We hope that we will return the Soviet Union and legally return our assets! We will use them to build a SOCIALIST CIVILIZATION ON OUR PLANET! Before the rich Western imperialist states, realizing their fascist dictatorship, develop the territories of more underdeveloped states, give loans through the IMF and enslave them! Transnational corporations, after having divided the world, have begun to redistribute it!

* Now we see the following fascist ideology and policy of the imperialist states is the COLONIZATION of less developed or small states! They dictate their political and economic will to them! These peoples are under double oppression: on the one hand they are exploited by their national bourgeoisie and on the other hand by the transnational bourgeoisie! The working masses are subjected to ruin, misery, and the horrors of exploitation! The struggle of monopoly capital among themselves leads to wars!

V.I. Lenin wrote that: “Only the proletarian, socialist revolution can lead mankind out of the deadlock created by imperialism and imperialist wars. Whatever the difficulties of the revolution and its possible temporary failures or waves of counter-revolution, the final victory of the proletariat is inevitable.” (V.I. Lenin. Materials on the Revision of the Party Program. PSS, vol. 32, pp. 150-151)

If we turn to history, the First Imperialist War of 1914-1916 led in 1917 to the Great October Socialist Revolution, the emergence of socialism and the Soviet Union under the leadership of Lenin and Stalin!

The Second World War and the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, directed against the Soviet Union, to enslave it, ended with the victory of the Soviet Red Army over Hitler’s fascism, the creation of the world socialist system, the emergence of the Warsaw Pact, PRC, DPRK, Vietnam, Cuba, etc. This period was marked by the struggle against colonialism and the liberation, with the support of the Soviet Union from the colonial yoke of African and eastern states! After the destruction of the Soviet Union, a new neo-colonization of developing states and the entire territory, all the republics of the Soviet Union began again! A NEW DICTATORY OF FASCISM OF WESTERN IMPERIALISM began! It turned out to be even more brutal than even the previous ones! The fantastic concentration of all the wealth of the world in the private hands of the gangster financial capital of the Rothschilds and Rockefellers, the deep state, all sorts of clubs of the criminalized rich of the world led to insoluble class contradictions between the super-rich bourgeoisie and the proletariat, the working masses! The division of society into rich and poor has reached tragic proportions! Concentration of private property in a narrow circle of people has led them to extremely PATHOLOGICAL FASCIST FORMS OF PRIVATE PROPERTY PSYCHOLOGY! Their demoralization by consumer psychology has led to a state of self-liquidation of society, an ecological catastrophe! Pedophilia, homosexuality, gambling addiction, drug business and drug addiction, thirst for new seizures of other people’s wealth, sanctions of everyone and everything, desire to take away everything by force from others PHOBIA to this or that ethnos, today it is Russians, attempts to segregate them, genocide of peoples as in Iraq, Libya, Syria and others, consciously initiate inter-religious conflict, prepare Islamic militants and terrorists from believers, in particular from Muslims. The fascistization of imperialism is evident! Black graft as during the war in Syria, now in Ukraine amaze with their inhumanity! The collective BANDERA FASCISM of the West is waging war through Ukraine for the capture of the territory of Russia! We can conclude that FASCISM is the essence, the ATTRIBUTE of IMPERIALISM! FASCISM IS A MECHANISM, A WAY OF EXISTENCE OF IMPERIALISM! As long as there is capitalism in the world, imperialism FASCISM will always exist with them! A THIRD WORLD WAR is underway! To get out of this crisis there is only one way — the way of transition to the rails of SOCIALISM, but the entire CIVILIZATION! HOW? THROUGH THE SOVIET UNION AND SOCIALISM IN IT, THEN IN ALL COUNTRIES OF THE WORLD CONSCIOUSLY BY ALL MANKIND!

The genius of mankind V.I. Lenin wrote that: “the expropriation of the capitalists will inevitably give a gigantic development of the productive forces of society. Capitalism is incredibly delaying its development.” (V.I. Lenin. State and Revolution. PSS, vol. 33, p.96-97) 

This Marxist concept has already been proved by the practice of life of the socialist state of the Soviet Union, which, having started its life in many republics from the wooden plough, reached the highest level of development of industry, social infrastructures, spiritual, scientific, educational level! The USSR was almost catching up with the USA on many parameters! The first, the most educated people in the world went into space, free preventive medicine reached almost the entire population! We defeated all infectious diseases, knew how to treat and prevent them all! Today communist China will also overtake the richest imperialist country! Cuba has one of the best medicines in the world! All other socialist countries are moving forward too, despite all sorts of SANCTIONS! Why do they want to do that? To strangle the socialist countries?

Today fascist imperialism has led mankind to an ecological catastrophe through the predatory use of natural resources! Scientists say that the MAGMA of the EARTH is bursting out! ALL THIS CAN still be stopped! But only by united efforts! This is only possible with socialism on the whole planet! For these states are not sick of private-proprietary pathological psychology, thirst for profit and accumulation, greed, corrupted whims! Indeed being determines consciousness! Public property forms collectivist psychology, altruism, philanthropy, humanism! And private property psychology forms super-individualism, egoism, dependency, parasitism, greed, predatory approach to everything! What kinds of weapons are created by mankind in the competition of systems, states, continents!? Nuclear, bacteriological, chemical, tectonic, electronic and many others! When there is socialism on the whole planet, such necessity will disappear by itself! Therefore, SOCIALISM IS NECESSARY FOR HUMANITY’S EXIT FROM THE IMPERIALIST CRISIS!

Scientists from ISRAEL propose their model of a new society, a SOCIALIST FORMATION ON THE WHOLE PLANET! They call it a CREATIVE SOCIETY to replace the consumer society! What are its main points?

• Public ownership will include all natural wealth, private ownership will include house, car, business, but capitalization volumes cannot be higher than 10 million dollars.
• Each citizen will have 10,000 dollars as a baseline 
• Planned economy, smart logistics
• Scientific breakthrough, elimination of climate collapses, science funding will be a priority.
• Money, banks will not exist, they will only exist electronically! 
• Work only 4 days and 4 hours.
• Free medicine, education, gas, water, electricity 
• The highest value will be the human being
• The capsule of life will ensure people’s health!

For the beginning of realization they assume it is necessary 5-6 months, for full realization — 5-6 years! 
Resources will be enough not for 8 million, but for 800 million people! I think, it is worth to read more, to calculate it yourself! This concept is realized within the framework of the whole civilization and only then it is effective! Indeed, the unity of the world is especially manifested in the era of modern information technologies, the Internet, high-speed transportation links! The higher, the faster society develops, conditioned by a new higher level of consciousness and opportunities for transformation! Then to all on the good way of PLANETARY SOCIALISM AND CONSCIOUS SOCIETY! 

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