Home 2023 2023 November Imperialism is the main threat to humanity

Imperialism is the main threat to humanity

At present we are witnessing an extreme aggravation of the political situation in the world: military conflicts are raging in different parts of our planet, terrorist attacks are taking place, people are being killed, military coups are being attempted, social tensions are growing in individual countries and international tensions between the countries of the world community are increasing.
The biggest recent conflicts are the undeclared war of NATO using the neo-Banderite regime of Ukraine against Russia and the next stage of the national liberation struggle of the Arab people of Palestine against the Zionist state of Israel. Tensions between the US and China over the situation around Taiwan, which the PRC considers its territory, have not subsided. Provocations of the US military in the Korean peninsula against the DPRK, which aims to unite the Korean nation, have been continuing in recent years.
The list of countries where emergencies and terrorist acts are taking place is growing day by day. More and more new hot spots are appearing on the planet. The question arises: why is all this happening?
V.I. Lenin gave a very clear answer to this question. In his works he showed that at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries, capitalism, based on free competition, entered the highest and last stage of its development—imperialist, i.e. monopolistic, because the domination of monopolies determines its essence. The scientific theory of imperialism was developed by V.I. Lenin, who identified five main features of imperialism.
Under imperialism, the contradictions and struggle between imperialist countries for markets, sources of raw materials, for the seizure of foreign territories, for world domination, which leads to rampant militarism and wars, not only local but also world wars. V.I. Lenin posited the inevitability of wars under imperialism.
No matter how much the classics of Marxism-Leninism are vilified by modern bourgeois hordes of writers, no matter how much monuments to them are torn down by the current followers of misanthropic ideology, and no matter how much the rulers of bourgeois Russia drape Lenin’s Mausoleum in the days of festive events, the contradiction between Labour and Capital—the fundamental, main contradiction within the capitalist system itself—remains. It is this contradiction between the social character of labour and the private-property form of appropriation of its results that is one of the causes of the development of the crisis in capitalist society and the capitalist world.
The crisis of the world system of imperialism led to World War I, which Lenin and the Bolsheviks called imperialist, i.e. invasive on the part of all its participants, including Russia. (Modern Russian bourgeois propaganda calls it the Patriotic War, but this is not true at all). All this created an opportunity for the breakthrough of the imperialist chain, the realisation of the Great October Socialist Revolution and the creation of the world’s first socialist state—the USSR, which laid the foundation for the general crisis of imperialism.
The victory of the USSR and the countries of the anti-Hitler coalition in World War II and the formation of new socialist states became the beginning of the second stage of the general crisis of capitalism.
The third stage of the general crisis of capitalism began at the end of the 50s.
The destruction of the CCCP after the death of Stalin by the CPSU opportunists and traitors to the Soviet Motherland who came to power, the liquidation of the commonwealth of socialist countries of Eastern Europe and Asia weakened the general crisis of imperialism for some time, imperialism got some respite. The bourgeois political scientists and politicians joyfully announced: “Socialism is finished (Recall Yeltsin’s speech to the US Congress)”: “Marxism-Leninism has proved to be a failed theory, practice has disproved this theory”.
However, analysing the present state of capitalist society, we Bolsheviks declare: despite the destruction of the USSR and the commonwealth of socialist countries, THE GENERAL CRISIS OF IMPERIALISM CONTINUES.
V.I. Lenin repeatedly emphasised the diversity of manifestations of the general crisis of capitalism. “The crisis is so deep”, wrote V. I. Lenin, “so widely ramified, so universally great…” (Complete Works, 5th ed., vol. 32, p. 28). Naturally, with the growing general crisis of capitalism, due to the uneven development of capitalism, some features can come to the fore, while others retreated.
We are witnessing an intensification of the world crisis in all spheres of life of human society: economic, social, political, ecological, demographic moral, in science, art, education, medicine and others. Recently the world mass media been writing about the immigration crisis, which can be considered as a new manifestation of the general crisis of imperialism. The increasing spread of drug addiction in many countries is also a legacy of imperialism.
Of course, the main component of the general crisis of imperialism is the economic crisis, all other manifestations are its consequence. Its causes have been outlined above: the contradiction between Labour and Capital, as a result of which SOCIAL INJUSTICE and INEQUALITY are formed, and the GREED OF CAPITAL, which has NO LIMITS, only aggravates the situation. All this is what corrodes the bourgeois society of any capitalist country.
One of the most dangerous for the future of mankind spawns of the general crisis of imperialism is fascism and its misanthropic ideology. The rise to power of the fascists in Italy, Germany, Spain and other countries on the eve of World War II occurred precisely as a result of the crisis of the entire capitalist system.
It was then that the most precise and exhaustive definition of fascism was given in the report of Georgi Dimitrov at the VII Congress of the Comintern in 1935: “Fascism in power is an open terrorist dictatorship of the most reactionary, most chauvinistic, most imperialist elements of finance capital.”
The events that followed the historic 7th Congress of the Comintern confirmed and still confirm what the great figure of the Bulgarian and international communist movement said at that time. It was this definition of fascism that was most often given in the political literature published under Stalin.
We, the modern Bolsheviks, take as our basis precisely this definition and characterisation of fascism, based on the class approach.
We also apply G. Dimitrov’s conclusions about the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie in general. As long as the bourgeoisie has the opportunity to fool people with elections and to exercise its dictatorship in the form of bourgeois democracy, it does so. But if the situation gets out of control and it is not possible to exercise its dictatorship by the methods of bourgeois democracy, then bourgeois democracy is discarded and the open terrorist dictatorship of capital is introduced, as G. Dimitrov said. This has been the case in all cases of fascists coming to power.
However, despite the fact that fascism was defeated in 1945, it was not completely finished, neo-fascism entered the political arena and made a profound transformation.
In Germany, where Nazism (Hitler’s fascism) originated, which committed a lot of crimes during World War II and was responsible for the extermination of millions of people in Europe, in connection with the crisis caused by the influx of migrants from Africa and Asia, revanchist neo-Nazi forces are becoming active again, and Hitler’s “Mein Kampf” is being published underground. Cases of xenophobia and racism have become more frequent in Germany in recent days.
The ultra-right activists are becoming more active in France, Spain, Poland, the Netherlands and other European countries, as well as on the territory of the Soviet Union—in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. But the most dangerous at present is the neo-Banderite regime in Ukraine, which was brought to power in February 2014 as a result of a coup d’état carried out with the assistance of the imperialist West, primarily the United States. After coming to power, the Ukrainian Nazis banned the use of the Russian language in public administration, schools and the media, persecuted the Russian-speaking population, especially in Donbass, banned the Communist Party and other left-wing organisations, began bombing peaceful cities in Donbass, and stepped up their efforts to join NATO in order to create a springboard for war against Russia.
In response, on 24 February 2022, the Russian leadership decided to conduct a special military operation (SMO). The purpose of the operation, as noted in the special address, is “to protect people who are being bullied, genocided by the Kiev regime. And for this purpose we will strive for the demilitarisation and denazification of Ukraine, as well as bringing to justice those who have committed numerous, bloody crimes against civilians, including citizens of the Russian Federation.”
The All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks (Nina Andreeva) supports this special military operation. The Russian armed forces are conducting a just SMO to defend the sovereignty of the Russian Federation against the aggression of the collective imperialist West, which is using Ukrainian Nazis for this purpose, supplying them with Western weapons.
The theme of the need to fight against neo-fascism is clearly outlined in the address of the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks (Nina Andreeva) “The struggle against modern fascism and Nazism is the most important task of the Communists”.
As for the military actions in the Middle East, which began on 07.10.2023, the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks (Nina Andreeva) on 10.10.2023 outlined its position in the statement “Zionists! Hands off Palestine!”, naming the main culprits of this conflict—US imperialism and Zionism.
To successfully counter the aggressive manifestations of imperialism and the threat of fascism, it is necessary to unite the actions of all anti-imperialist and anti-fascist forces in all countries of the world. The WCPB (Nina Andreeva) supported the creation of the United International Anti-Imperialist and Anti-Fascist Front (UIAAF), which was formed on 25 May 2017 at its founding conference in Moscow.
Its founders declared the motto of the front to be the calls: “No to war!”, “Down with imperialism!”, “Fascism will not pass!”, “Long live socialism!”
The All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks (Nina Andreeva) supports organisations and associations which adhere to the above principles. The Marxist slogan “Proletarians of all countries, unite!” is more relevant today than ever.

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