Home 2023 2023 December We, the youth, must now face up to these decisive challenges for...

We, the youth, must now face up to these decisive challenges for humanity and finally resolve them

Ukraine, Palestine, People’s Republic of China, Yemen, socialist Cuba, etc. Since 1945, world peace has never been so threatened by the unprecedented offensive of US imperialism, which, anxious to safeguard its hegemony throughout the world, is leading it towards a great cataclysm. On 11 November 1918, the day of the Franco-German armistice, against a backdrop of mutinies, uprisings and workers’ and people’s revolutions all over Europe (starting with Bolshevik Russia, then in the middle of the war), the door was opened to the desire for “never again!” Now that the foul Fascist beast has been crushed by the “Grand Alliance”, and in particular by the USSR, to the extent that General de Gaulle recalled in 1944 that “the French know that Soviet Russia played the main role in our liberation”, the spectre of a new global conflagration is once again haunting the planet.
This spectre is being fanned by Macron, who, keen to make people forget the destruction of public services, social gains, democratic freedoms, the one and indivisible Republic and even national sovereignty and independence, is anchoring France in the Euro-Atlantic order and “modernising” the armed forces to the tune of €413 billion—announced on 20 January 2021, the day after the first major demonstration for pensions!—to prepare the country to wage “high-intensity wars” in the East. All against a backdrop of rampant fascisation fuelled by the Macronie (anything but an “anti-fascist barrage!”), which is fuelling growing violence against progressives (starting with communists and fighting trade unionists), criminalising popular resistance and destroying even the few freedoms (starting with “freedom of expression”) that the capitalist oligarchy can’t stand.
In the face of this death grinder for sovereign peoples, citizens and workers, it is more essential than ever to work for peace and declare a global “war on war”, which is being pushed by US hegemonism with its armed wing NATO and its henchmen, led by the EU of Capital.
This 21st century, with its many social, democratic, diplomatic, military and ecological dangers that cannot wait until the next century to be resolved, is also significant in terms of the global rejuvenation of the world’s population.
We, the young people of all the nations of the world, have never been so numerous on Earth.
We, who should have our whole future ahead of us, must now face up to these decisive challenges for humanity and, together with our elders, finally resolve them.
We see these dangers as arising from the MAIN contradiction of our time, the contradiction between CAPITAL and LABOUR, which, along the way, tends to be resolved either in favour of the exploited and oppressed majority of the world, or in favour of the exploiting and dominating minority of our time.
The latter, although it may still exist or try to exist within countries which have taken the initiative to get rid of it, is today principally grouped within the dangerous Euro-Atlantic imperialist bloc of the EU-NATO axis.
Exploiting workers and crushing their wages as never before, trampling on democracy, but also and above all over-armed and nuclearised, this bloc pushes its imperialist and predatory logic to the point of extermination, threatening planet Earth and humanity with the premature extinction of all living things through catastrophic climate change and/or the perpetual escalation of war and the use of the planet’s nuclear arsenal, which would lead, in the very short term and beyond the countless foreseeable victims, to a nuclear winter gradually suffocating the vegetation and animal world without which the human species cannot survive.
This fateful march, which the EU-NATO axis is tending to condemn us to, is accompanied by an accelerated fascisation of our societies, gagging the freedom of expression of opponents, flouting all democratic freedoms one by one, crushing even the bourgeois parliaments already in their boots and threatening to marginalise young people who, more than anyone else, feel that their future is uncertain.
That’s why, at a time when regional conflicts are multiplying and tending to become globalised under the warlike impetus of the EU-NATO, and at the very moment when all citizens and workers are demanding to be able to make a decent living from their work in a truly democratic country, we are launching this appeal: “WE WANT TO LIVE!”
And to do this we are holding out our hands to you, young people from France and around the world, activists, trade unionists, young workers and citizens who love peace, humanity, progress and the future, who abhor sectarianism and are not afraid to make a practical commitment, whether you believe in a god or not and whatever your origins. There is today only ONE MAIN CAUSE that threatens to shorten our lives and those of all our fellow human beings, and that is the predatory and exterminist policies of the EU-NATO axis. We urgently need to get organised and turn TOGETHER AND AT THE SAME TIME against this deadly cause.
Down with US-NATO and EU imperialism!
Atlantic Europe or the peaceful world, now more than ever we have to choose!
Socialism or barbarism, homeland or death, we will win!
Workers of all countries and oppressed peoples of the world, unite!

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