Home 2023 2023 December “Let’s forge unity and work together to preserve democracy and lay the...

“Let’s forge unity and work together to preserve democracy and lay the foundations for a popular, anti-oligarchic and anti-imperialist democracy”

Dear comrades:
The Communist Party of Bolivia as a political organization of anti-imperialist roots, attends this meeting of the World Anti-imperialist Platform, which internationally articulates progressive, revolutionary and communist forces, behind the fundamental objectives of waging an effective anti-imperialist struggle, proposing the correct line to the forces in struggle and strengthening the international communist movement as the center of the struggle.
In the current international situation, we face systemic problems, generated by the increase of the crisis of capitalism in its imperialist phase whose destiny leads us to a path of greater violence in all fields of human activity, therefore, it is objective to unmask the greater aggressiveness of imperialism, seeking the prolongation of the warlike conflict as it happens in Europe, creating other points of war, as in the case of the genocide against the Palestinian people by the Zionist regime of Israel, whose effects are not only felt in the attacked countries but have a negative impact on the rest of the States, of which the population in general and particularly the working class suffers directly the worst harmful effects.
Faced with the crisis of the capitalist system in general and the economic-financial crisis of the United States, war is a frequent means used by American imperialism to recover its economy through the increase in income provided by the war and pharmaceutical industry, becoming the beneficiary of international conflicts fomented by the USA. Although, due to the course taken by the Russia-Ukraine conflict, it is not going well for imperialism and its allies, who, as never before, are also feeling the negative consequences of the crisis and imperialist violence.
The main and systematic problems of capitalism, in its superior phase, imperialism, are aggravated by globalization and the failure of terminal neo-liberalism, war (conventional, bacteriological, hybrid, colored, technological), economic sanctions, the uncontrolled growth of computer advances. These are evidence of the decline of the United States and its crisis of hegemony, which includes its servile countries, pushing Western Europe and other allies to be part of the unsustainability of an individualistic, speculative institutional regime of depredation and destruction of nature.
In turn, these facts, in the XXI century, lead the American power to its permanent crisis, which not only sinks the economy, but also increases its inflation levels, increases its poverty and places it as the State with the highest foreign debt, leading it on a path towards the end of imperialism and capitalist domination, from which the developing countries, who based on the public interest reject the political-military interventionism of the prevailing system and instead build the foundations of a new economic order, will be able to free themselves in part.
International relations and conditions reveal another reality different from the pretended unipolarity of U.S. imperialist capitalism, since with the strength of China, a new multipolar world economic order is taking shape, made up of blocs of countries, where there are still States in which neoliberalism predominates and others that are building their economies differently from the neoliberal orthodoxy, such as the BRICS. But, without leaving the capitalist bases, in the face of these, there is first the vision of multipolarity, which is gaining strength where states such as China converge, building their socialist economy with their own characteristics. Another group adopts anti-neoliberal measures and another subgroup where the economic, productive, social and cultural relations of each country make possible new ways of popular and democratic development.
The aforementioned armed conflicts generate great socio-economic problems not only for the parties formally in conflict, but also include a growing inflation, a permanent rise in costs and prices of energy, food and basic products, from grains to processed products, whose scarcity is increasing, affecting the people who make up the peoples and, above all, the most dispossessed sectors and the working class.
Given its seriousness, this situation must be duly addressed and its effects mitigated for the good of developing countries. In this sense, taking advantage of the situation, due to its real importance, the strengthening of the BRICS is being promoted, whose sustainable development objectives must be addressed in an integral manner, since, bringing together five of the largest developing countries in the world, they would represent 41 percent of the world population, 24 percent of the gross domestic product (GDP) of the planet and 16 percent of global trade, a situation that would be permanently improving as more countries join.
In view of this situation, the creation of the New Development Bank of the BRICS countries is a special opportunity for the countries of Africa, Latin America and Asia to build an alternative international order to the one promoted by the United States through the World Bank, the IMF and regional banks such as the IDB, and other mechanisms to maintain its hegemony in the world economy. As is well known, today in international trade in many of these countries the dollar is losing its validity in commercial transactions.
In this scenario of crisis, the excessive growth of imperialist terrorism that does not hesitate to increase violence and terrorism, plus the submissive complicity of the international organizations that out of fear of their managers and sponsors overlook the growth of pain and hunger, we express our rejection of this type of behavior. We propose that it is necessary to re-found the international organizations and especially the reform of the UN Security Council, which today more than ever is inoperative and obsolete. It is necessary that together we press for the developed nations to commit immediately available resources to overcome the dire consequences of the crisis of the system, the energy and food crisis and to seek world peace with justice.
The axis constituted by the United States-NATO-European Union, joined by the hegemonic media, is waging a hybrid war against Russia with its epicenter in Ukraine as a spearhead, and acts with its sights set on its main enemy and competitor, China, whom they seek to include directly in the conflict and also to generate an alternate front in Asia, a situation that puts humanity on edge because it would end up generating a global conflict, even at the nuclear level.
Specifically, in view of the development of the Russian Federation-Ukraine conflict, we can assure that the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) as the armed wing of imperialism, as a direct party to the problem, shamelessly seeks to use Ukraine as a springboard for the West, and can defeat and subdue the Russian Federation, for which purpose, the Atlantic Alliance trains Ukrainian military, resorts to drones, weapons and ammunition, provides intelligence data and sends mercenaries who are part of neo-Nazi battalions.
All this shows that imperialism is not interested in the international legal order, respect for the sovereignty and independence of States, the principle of equality of territorial integrity and international law, so it urges the rest of the countries not committed or allied with imperialism to stop this conflict that, as time goes by, not only increases the number of victims, but aims to promote misunderstandings that lead to new armed aggressions, as in the case of the genocide in the Gaza Strip. The fascist-Zionism, encouraged by US imperialism, does not hesitate to increase its victims in children, women, the elderly, the sick, in order to impose its alleged authority in flagrant violation of the norms of International Human Rights Law and Humanitarian Law, since not only do they commit crimes against humanity, but they also constitute themselves as terrorist States located on the margins of the international community.
Almost all over the world diplomatic means are being sought to return and guarantee peace, but the US government refuses to investigate the situation and the existence of the biological laboratories in Ukraine, which would have been installed by the Pentagon, or pretends to justify these crimes against humanity, with the argument that they are defending against aggressive behavior of third countries.
In the face of the objective advance of multipolarity, the adoption of anti-neoliberal measures and economic, productive, social and cultural relations that make possible new popular and democratic ways of development is perceived in the States, especially in Latin America, but at the same time it generates in US imperialism growing reactions and threats such as the following:

  • Inhumane economic, financial, productive, commercial, transportation blockades against integrated nations such as Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua whose states and their population are subjected to permanent violation of their human rights.
  • Installation of military bases in most Latin American and Caribbean states, to generate armed interventions in violation of international law and national sovereignty, in particular, the Southern Command was creating the conditions for future operations of U.S. troops on strategic points,
  • Low intensity wars and civil wars of massive destruction and genocide, national and regional, encouraging the organization of fascist groups of paramilitaries and mercenaries.
  • Direct coups d’état and through actions disguised as mobilizations, destabilization of progressive governments through “soft coups”, use of socio-political opposition protests (using issues such as gender, environmental, anti-corruption, freedom of the press, religion, regional, civic, etc.).
  • Cyber warfare or cyber espionage and sabotage made possible by the mastery of current technology (new technologies), generation of “computer viruses” to block and erase government information and affect the security of States.
  • Campaigns of national exacerbation, racial discrimination, repression of ethnic minorities, anti-migrant, using at the same time NGOs and xenophobic and paramilitary groups of extreme right.
  • Pretexting the lack of effectiveness in the fight against national and international crime (drug trafficking, arms trafficking, human trafficking), they generate police-military interventions, threatening with interventions that violate national sovereignty.
  • The existence of bad systems of administration of justice or bad electoral systems (denunciations of fraud) generates the pretext for imperialism to justify its intervention through international organizations at its service and even to justify coups d’état.

    Laura Richardson, head of the US Southern Command, in the sense that China “expands its influence” in South America and the Caribbean, besides “manipulating” their governments through “predatory investment practices”, who specifically pointed out that the so-called “lithium triangle” accumulates “60% of the world’s lithium”. “Argentina, Bolivia and Chile have it and [our adversaries] are subtracting resources from these countries and their people, who are trying to produce, from these democracies that are trying to contribute to their peoples.” This is evidence of the political, moral and ethical degradation of the Pentagon as an institutionalized expression of imperialism, against which countries should be facing resistance and adopting measures to avoid interference and build regional alternatives of defense against imperialism, as well as adopting sovereign actions in defense of our natural resources.
    Latin America had the capacity for economic resistance despite the effects of the pandemic, the neoliberal system, the capitalist crisis, the growing effects of the conflict of the Russian Federation with Ukraine by NATO and U.S. imperialism, the rise in interest rates worldwide, the growth of foreign debt, and the inflationary run, a situation that is being reduced by actions of the central banks, but the increase in world prices of some food and energy, plus the failure to solve the problems mentioned, still keeps this problem of the system latent.
    In this context, where loans have higher interest rates, low prices of raw materials, dollar speculation (despite the fact that this currency is losing value and international credibility as a standard), growth in Latin America is slowing down both in terms of job creation and consumer spending on goods and services, which is undermining general confidence.
    The economic-financial slowdown in the United States and Europe is highly negative, because it generates losses in the Latin American economy due to more restrictive financial conditions, since the dependence of our countries on the USA still persists, the systemic crisis causes inflation to remain high, and in turn, internally in all countries, it generates greater social pressure, requirements for wage increases and social improvements, because the standard of living continues to rise, generating insecurity with a view to the future.
    In the political situation in the continent, either by the effects of the pressure of the United States, which uses the so-called color revolutions or soft coups as part of its imperialist strategy of intervention to overthrow governments that do not share its criteria, or the impositions of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund, on the economic, political and military organization of nations, the pandemic, the crisis of the system, economic policies and especially the responses of governments to the requirements of the people, the institutional strength and confidence of the States and their governments are in permanent decline.
    The situation in Latin America and the Caribbean, in spite of the electoral triumphs to take over the governments, has a long way to go to reach power, added to the actions of the national right wing, which now encourage the growth of fascism and the known negative action of a wounded and therefore more aggressive imperialism, presents a challenge to forge unity and work together to preserve democracy and lay the foundations for a popular, anti-oligarchic and anti-imperialist democracy.
    The right wing considers that progressivism, populism and leftism, which achieved control of the powers, drive regional integration processes and organizations such as CELAC, Alba and UNASUR. That the region is experiencing a changing situation materially, economically and politically, as problems such as a growing migratory movement, the supply of raw materials, the safeguarding of strategic natural resources, the world economic crisis, the effects of the war in Europe, and all this denotes a higher level of insecurity and uncertainty.
    However, the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) resumed its post-hegemonic and post-liberal role of economic coordination, political coordination and defense of its members. Brazil returned to this organization and it includes a diversity of issues that go beyond the initial political dialogue to include the concerns and needs of the States, such as those related to the environment and water.
    In this new period of transition in Latin America, in South America Uruguay, Paraguay, Ecuador and Peru are managed by the right and center-right. That Argentina and Chile are between center-right and populism, that there are very few progressive governments, to which Mexico and Honduras are added. But internal tensions have been generated in coalitions and parties, as in Argentina and Bolivia. In sum, the Latin American left is going through problems and internal political and organic divergences, being Venezuela, Nicaragua, Brazil and now Colombia hopeful realities in the path of emancipation.
    Finally, as the Communist Party of Bolivia, we emphasize our unwavering solidarity with Cuba with the support of the international community for the cessation of the criminal blockade at the UN General Assembly, reaffirms the value of unity as an essential factor to move forward in the struggle to consolidate the revolution and its commitment to international solidarity, the role of President Miguel Díaz-Canel, as head of state, ensures the continuity and deepening of the revolution, despite the difficult conditions his country is going through, and makes the participation of the Cuban people in the struggle for the construction of socialism even more revolutionary.
    The communists of Bolivia and the world express our solidarity with the peoples who struggle against imperialist domination and in particular we repudiate the aggressive and oppressive character of U.S. imperialism. We consider indispensable a greater coordination of the resistance and counter-offensive of the trade union and political organizations at the international level that directs the solidarity of all social forces towards a planet without wars and banishes forever the exploitation of imperialist powers against humanity.
    Peoples of the world: united against imperialism!
    Defeat of the US-led NATO neo-Nazi warmongers and the Zionists of the terrorist state of Israel!
    Long live the heroic Palestinian people!
    Victory of the resistance!
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