Home Articles 2024 June The 13th issue of ‘Platform’ is released

[June 2024] The 13th issue of ‘Platform’ is released



10 years since the heroic Donbass uprising

Dimitrios Patelis | Revolutionary Unification (Greece)

11th Korean International Forum in Gwangju, South Korea: The Situation of World War 3 and the tasks of Anti-imperialist Forces for Independence

[Session 1] The war in Ukraine: the beginning of World War 3

[Session 2] The war in Palestine: the escalation of World War 3

[Session 3] The wars in East Asia: World War 3 in full swing

A new phase in this NATO―3rd world war 

Jozef Bossuyt | Communist Party of Belgium

‘Here we started our struggle against imperialism, against fascism’  

Boris Litvinov | Donetsk Republican Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation

‘Our only option is struggle and victory against imperialist criminals’ 

Miloš Karavezic | New Communist Party of Yugoslavia (Serbia)

War Crisis between Taiwan and mainland China

Ju Hsing Tsang | Labor Party (Taiwan)

War in Gaza and the risk of World War

Kim Jang-min | Political Economics Research Institute PNYX

‘To prevent war, not just “peaceful” demonstrations, but to get arms and fight, just like the valiant rioters of Gwangju did.’ 

Yeni Donem Publishing (New Era Publishing, Turkey)

What does Hamas want?

Azzam Tamimi | Alhiwar TV Channel

World War III and counter-hegemonic trends 

Bruno Drweski | Association Nationale des Communistes (France)

The world anti-imperialist peace force will certainly win 

People’s Democracy Party (South Korea)

Madrid International Conference

The struggle against imperialism is a struggle for civilization 

Chilean Communist Party (Proletarian Action)

The anti-imperialist battle of Russia in Ukraine, it’s back round and the dirty role of the West 

Michael Tzimis | Socialist Platform of Georgia

The situation of World War 3 and the tasks of the world anti-imperialist peace forces

Stephen Cho | Coordinator of the Korean International Forum

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