Communist Party of Bolivia

Ⅰ. Democratic, popular, anti-imperialist and anti-fascist position of the Communist Party of Bolivia. P.C.B.

The Communist Party of Bolivia ideologically and politically is based on Marxism-Leninism, the basis of our perception of the world, which allows us to penetrate into the knowledge of the economic, social, political, ethnocultural reality of societies in general and Bolivia in particular.

In this framework, the economic structure, the low level reached by the productive forces, the predominant economic relations, the subjugation and imperialist plundering place Bolivia as a capitalist, backward and dependent country. This makes it necessary to propose a revolutionary change of democratic, popular, anti-oligarchic and anti-imperialist character and content, in the perspective of achieving socialism and communism.

The political situation that began with the October Revolution of 1917 determined that humanity is going through the transition from capitalism to socialism that develops worldwide with various difficulties, but that are overcome with the struggle led by the working class and its parties in each of the states, for which reason the importance of proletarian internationalism and anti-imperialism is recognized.

Internationalism, shaped by the ideological basis of Marxism-Leninism, overcomes the barriers of international formalism. However, in order not to hinder its development and evolution, it is subject to the set of rules that “sovereignly set the States” in their mutual relations, in order to preserve their borders (security), establish lines and agreements of economic, ideological, political and social cooperation.

In this way, international relations are constituted by links established by States in the social, economic, legal, diplomatic and political fields. Moreover, they are based on the knowledge and methodical analysis of the rules of coexistence between the different countries, in order to develop their actions within a framework of respect for independence, sovereignty and self-determination. However, in these relations, States (to a large extent) seek to maximize their position and dominance in the world through the accumulation of economic, political and military power.

On the other hand, the problem of the inexistence of an institution capable of regulating correctly and effectively the relations of the States arises, therefore the “power relations” and the impositions of the developed countries linked to imperialist capitalism that act according to their interests without taking into account the interests of the less developed countries, of their population and in particular of the working class, become notorious.

This necessarily forces to situate itself in the midst of the specific type of international relations of production to glimpse the conflicts, the state perspective, and the struggle to achieve its objectives. For this reason the search for a better world (through international relations) should not be managed by the class that holds the power of an imperialist state like the United States of America. 

At this moment the system of international relations is still the privileged field of action of the imperialist State, which prevents and obstructs the process of economic, social and information integration of other countries that seek to transform the world, overcoming the limits of the States through integrationist policies towards a global world, or ends up being constituted.

International relations are complex because they seek to guarantee the sovereignty and self-determination of States, and recognize levels of interdependence and integration, but at the same time imperialist forces act by dominating and imposing their rules and forces on other countries. 

Capitalism developed enormously until the twentieth century, however, that growth reached its limits, we would say in an initial vision of what imperialism is Karl Marx points out “the universality towards which capitalism tends unceasingly finds limits immanent to its nature, which at a certain degree of its development make it appear as the greatest obstacle to that tendency and push it to its self-destruction”.

For his part V.I. Lenin, asserts that imperialism is the monopolistic phase of capitalism, being that capitalism in this phase of development, implements the dominance of monopolies and finance capital. The export of capital acquires great relevance, the international trusts seek to end the distribution of the planet among capitalist powers. He adds that these are very important features of the phenomenon to be defined. Therefore, without forgetting the value of definitions, it is convenient to give one on imperialism that includes five basic features: 1) the concentration of production and capital has reached such a high point of development that it has created monopolies, decisive in economic life; 2) the fusion of banking capital with industrial capital and the formation, on the basis of this “financial capital”, of the financial oligarchy; 3) the export of capital, unlike the export of merchandise, acquires exceptional importance; 4) the formation of international monopolistic capitalist associations, which divide up the world; and 5) the culmination of the territorial distribution of the world among the great capitalist powers. These last two characterizations imply the establishment of organizations that guarantee the permanence and domination of the oligopolies direct exponents of imperialism, at the same time determining the use of armed means that utilize the structural bases of the States themselves that serve as support to create a greater warlike force, which represents the immanent use of institutionalized violence. 

One such entity created under this criterion was the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) under the Treaty of Washington signed on April 4, 1949, whose objective was to guarantee the freedom and security of its members through political and military means. The latter is supported by the mutual defense clause set out in Article 5, which states “the parties agree that an armed attack against one or more of them, occurring in Europe or North America, shall be considered as an attack directed against all of them (…)”. Moreover, in the alleged support of Article 51 (Chapter VII) of the United Nations Charter, which recognizes the right of self-defense in case of armed attack by an external poweragainst any of its members. 

A clear example of this way of acting of imperialism was the Madrid Summit of 2022 held in response to the emergency action or special military operation of the Russian Federation carried out against the fascist regime of Zelensky in Ukraine. NATO agreed on the increase of troops that member countries put at the disposal of the organization; it declared Russia as a direct threat to NATO, furthermore it put China under observation because they consider it a threat by using their right of abstention in the UN Security Council and by their support for Russia.

By virtue of this, formally, international relations constitute a scenario where the problems of the States are dealt with in relation to their sovereignty, their territories, their businesses, their investments, to seek solutions to the problems that the population and the workers are going through in their countries. But in reality today in international relations the interests of imperialism prevail, the agreements of the States and their dependent organizations such as the W.B., F.M.I., N.N.UU., O.I.T., etc. that show a unilateral and abusive management, as another way of the violence of imperialism that assumes determinations without the presence of the actors and victims and facilitates the imposition of measures and resolutions contrary to the interests of the majority of humanity.

Ⅱ. Current delicate international situation

The current developments in international relations once again show that the rapacious conduct of imperialism is placing the world in a critical situation. Its aggressive plans of irrational violence, of abuse against peoples and countries that seek to free themselves from the imperial yoke, threaten human beings and the planet in every possible way, in the economic, social, political, diplomatic, territorial and judicial fields. Their actions lead to a possible universal conflagration because they are attacking life itself. It is therefore the most critical and dangerous moment that living beings are going through. 

The CP of Bolivia in its political thesis points out that imperialism, particularly U.S. imperialism and the belligerent circles of NATO, have once again aggravated the international situation by unleashing a militaristic offensive, stimulating an unprecedented arms race and militarizing the cosmos. It applies the law of the jungle in international relations and acts irresponsibly as a terrorist state that blockades, attacks, bombs and occupies countries that are disaffected by it, in all the regions that it considers its zones of influence.

American imperialism is the main generator of the political and military tensions that threaten world peace. The use of the progress of the scientific-technical revolution, for war purposes, creating nuclear arsenals as means of mass destruction, bringing humanity to the brink of its total disappearance and the annihilation of all traces of life, omnicide, general and total death. Ok

This situation turns the struggle for peace, it has growing forces in the whole world; millions of people in Europe and in the USA are speaking out and organizing against the nuclear holocaust, against the destruction and poisoning of the environment. 

Imperialism has declared a virtual general war, a really painful and humanity offending example of which are the warlike events against Palestine whose martyrdom, growing occupation and expulsion of the population from its historical territories of origin. Meanwhile, independent Lebanon is invaded by Nazi-Zionism, a pawn of imperialism that uses the most varied and inhuman resources, chemical and bacteriological weapons, and implements terrorist attacks against the peoples. 

Imperialism is not unaware of the magnitude of the destructive consequences of war, much more of a nuclear war and presupposes invulnerability in its territory and that its population will manage to survive showing the unassailability of its planetary civilization, it will not succeed. On the contrary, this perception shows how the warmongering of the Western powers that are part of the area controlled by imperialist capitalism is established.

The policy of coexistence among human beings is based on principles, normally accepted by the civilized, humane, understanding and respectful world, so that an order of respect for independence, sovereignty, self-determination and equality among states is established. That there be no hostility of any kind, so that the political-economic system adopted by each State may develop, and in this sense peace, as a universal objective, should be the central element of the unification of humanity, which is demanded in good faith by those who believe in the human being.

It is assumed that each State is capable of establishing, directing, developing and resolving the human and social problems of its sovereign jurisdiction, for which purpose even alliances are established with its peers, to achieve the welfare of partners without malicious purposes and practices that transgress coexistence, through procedures that reciprocally ensure respect for the dignity of persons and the sovereignty of States.

The policies of respectful and peaceful relations of the States must be based on anticolonial resources and procedures; ways and means to solve problems without warlike conflicts between States and less with the purpose of universal domination through systematic infiltration and generating internal destabilizations to the point of causing coups d’état.

These principles that should be fulfilled by the American empire are not, and on the contrary, imperialism develops and invests immense resources of penetration through a giant apparatus of open and covert “intelligence”, starting with its diplomatic corps, police, military, agents and a number of systems to achieve the results determined in their plans, which are coldly premeditated, organized and carried out to oppress the people.

U.S. imperialism, which expresses the last phase of capitalism, when it realizes that its system is in permanent crisis, that it is exhausted and cannot find a rational and effective way out, irrationally seeks to retreat, to return to a world where it can ensure its existence. But not being able to do so, it pushes the world through radical character struggles, surpassing the borders through the force of penetration and war by means of its agents, its servile organisms and its military bases established throughout the five continents.

From our Marxist point of view, international relations pass to a final phase, they are no longer only classical and formal diplomatic relations, and there are more frequent changes generated to respond to technological advances, diffusion and globalization of information and communication. Moreover, the extension of world trade is breaking traditional canons, whose direction used to emerge from the imperialist oligopoly accustomed to exert pressure through blockades and unilateral sanctions that have a multiple effect.

Ⅲ. This delicate international situation demands universal action

The world political and economic situation is going through a delicate context, not only because of the systemic crisis of neoliberal capitalism, but also because imperialism, seeing that “unipolarity” is being reversed and multipolarity is developing, brings out its violent character, repressive, disrespectful of the free and sovereign decisions of the countries and seeks to maintain its oppressive domination through destabilization and war, for which purpose it generates conflicts at the regional level in the different continents and within countries.

The crisis is deepened by Israel, the undeniable arm of imperialism, which on April 1, 2024 bombed the Iranian Consulate in Damascus, reactivating an important escalation of the regional conflict in the Middle East that affects the fragile world economy, generating an enormous impact on the oil market that has caused the prices of crude oil to rise worldwide and to become scarce in other countries.

It is pointed out that Israel uses the confrontation with Iran to “weaken the pressure and divert attention from the genocide committed in Gaza” where the Nazi-Zionist aggression has already reached 40,000 dead, among them children, women and the elderly, and 90. The international pressure of the States, international organizations and human rights institutions on Israel, demands the cessation of the criminal aggression against the Gaza Strip against the Palestinian people, the truth is that despite the pressure, the nature of this aggressor State, the political and economic situation that blindly complies with the determinations of imperialism, does not change.

Iran, through operation True Promise, showed that “the time for unanswered bombing and strategic patience is over”, as it waited for the reaction of the international organizations that showed with their silence, complicity and inability to solve crises, in such a way that they have indirectly contributed to the current escalation in the Middle East, for which it determines to assume its defense under the protection of Article 50 of the United Nations Charter.

The world community expected the G7 to ask for restraint from Israel after the Iranian defense action against Israel on April 13, however, the G7 Foreign Ministers’ Summit of the United Kingdom, Italy, Canada, Germany, France, Japan, the United States and Ukraine, meeting to assess the situation in Europe, decided to support Israel and Ukraine. This is immediately being fulfilled, by new economic support (translated into state-of-the-art armaments) from the USA to Ukraine and Israel, so that the war may continue, which is a palpable sign of warlike, economic and human aggression that for American imperialism and “Western democracy” the priority is to impose itself by force, regardless of the democratic and peaceful coexistence of the States.

Great Britain and the USA promoted the use of Russian assets sanctioned by imperialism amounting to some 300 billion euros, with which they allegedly support Ukraine. As the Group of Seven determined to support Zelensky, arranging the sale of seized Russian assets whose economic proceeds will be delivered to Zelensky, this situation generates the reaction of China, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, etc., which threaten to withdraw their investments from Europe, to which obviously the Russian Federation joins, with which they could further damage the European economy. Thus, the European Union is in a situation of internal conflict, and faced with the possibility of the boomerang effect, and some countries of the E.U. have expressed their rejection some and concern others, but in any case it is evident the aggressive policy of imperialism without any qualms to generate and maintain conflicts to not lose its power. 

In this way we conclude that in the face of such an insult and threat it is up to all human beings, to the democratic and revolutionary governments, plus the socialist, communist and workers’ parties, to deploy all their joint efforts and capabilities to structure actions in defense of humanity which is at this moment under imperialist threat.

Ⅳ. Review of the imperialist action against Latin America

Under the dictates of the Monroe Doctrine and the Santa Fe Consensus, imperialism imposed reactionary dictatorships in Latin America, with the political objective of destroying the emerging revolutions in our continent, such as that of Cuba, the target of immediate plans of aggression. Likewise, to prevent the adoption of internal policies free from U.S. influence, for which it employs direct actions or uses servile governments that lend their territory for the training and provisioning of mercenaries used to achieve its nefarious ends.

The world revolutionary torrent constituted by the international working class and the national liberation movement, counts on the contribution and progressive strength of the democratic and pacifist movements, and also other powers such as China, in fact the first in the world, displacing the United States. Its current situation in the political and economic fields reveals that the crisis is deepening, in the midst of the electoral process of its worn out bipartisanship, which does not allow any change to be foreseen with regard to its international policy, and regardless of who wins, the aggressive policy of the Pentagon will surely be maintained.

The bellicosity of imperialism does not change, but rather increases because in the face of the economic crisis, the loss of reliability of the dollar, the growth of its foreign debt, the increase of its inflation which reaches 40%, it resorts to war as its means of salvation, seriously endangering the security of the world. It also extends its “unilateral sanctions” to countries that do not accept its model, and uses its own regulations as a framework of legitimacy for its criminal acts, to appropriate the reserves of the countries through its agencies and banks. It also intends to increase its monopolistic activity in the face of a dynamic world market that, like the BRICS, is proposing alternatives to US unilateralism. In short, its degradation becomes uncontrollable and the “beast” can act uncontrollably and more aggressively.

But the destabilizing plans of imperialism and its lackeys do not cease. For example, the provocative presence of the commander of the US Southern Command, General Laura Richardson, who with absolute brazenness asserts that, in their backyard, particularly in the triangle formed by Argentina, Chile and Bolivia, what interests them is to defend their interests, since they will carry out the actions they consider, to prevent third powers outside the continent, from working in the same. Moreover, their infiltrators in all parts of Latin America, promote destabilizations and conspiracies to achieve changes of governments that openly and underhandedly regain power to continue exploiting and subjugating our continent.

The Latin American peoples and the political-social organizations developed together with the workers, peasants and middle classes, great efforts and struggled to defeat the military dictatorships and the neoliberal governments that under a formal democracy and their policy of surrender in favor of the United States, The rise of the peoples who, within the framework of their democracies, succeeded in establishing popular governments through democratic means, which are the result of the accumulation of discontent over social and economic inequalities and seek to reduce the gap between rich and poor, with new social pacts through new constitutions, or with measures to reduce inequalities.

U.S. imperialism and its internal agents in our countries have designed an updated version of the Condor Plan and its strategies to once again seize power and displace the popular governments, with the purpose of continuing to enjoy the wealth and benefits of the exploitation and commercialization of their natural resources, so that the domination and oppression of imperialism can continue.

The new restoring currents of neoliberalism that show that the defeats with the support of imperialism are achieving their progressive rearticulation so that they once again dispute and assume political power and assume the direction of the institutions that make up the state superstructure are constituted as reproducing factors of bourgeois power.

The intensification of the inhuman and criminal U.S. blockade for more than six decades against the Cuban people, at the same time against Venezuela and Nicaragua, attacks the human rights of children, women, the elderly of the countryside and the cities, promotes economic and political destabilization that threatens the institutionality of Latin America Cuba constitutes another interventionist tool of imperialism.

U.S. imperialism does not cease to conspire with terrorist methods against governments that are not submissive to them and that, on the contrary, follow an independent path. Therefore the Communist Party of Bolivia condemns the terrorism of U.S. imperialism which constitutes the application of the immoral, cruel and inhuman economic, financial and commercial blockade and unjust sanctions against the free peoples of America and the world.

In view of the above situation, the CP of Bolivia expresses:

– Its great concern for the world events that not only affect the States that at this moment appear immersed in conflicts, but that harm all the peoples of the world. Moreover, to this aggressive action is added the strategic policy of U.S. imperialism through NATO, which is increasing its bellicosity in all areas, in order not to lose its primacy in the world.

– The primacy of issues related to peace and war are coming to the forefront, because human life and the life of the planet are at stake, given the use of non-conventional weapons whose effects will be devastating for humanity.

– States are losing control over important areas of their international activities and have become protagonists penetrated by hegemonic agents who use their ties with the purpose of maintaining the unipolar dominance of U.S. imperialism.

– It is necessary to deploy the greatest solidarity with the Palestinian cause, and to generate meetings and spaces of analysis and permanent denunciation, where the States, peoples and parties not committed to US imperialism, can build multi-state and multilateral organizations that elaborate strategies for the defense of our peoples and contribute to the growth of initiatives related to multipolarity.

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