Home Articles 2024 July “NATO is the biggest terrorist organization in the world” 

“NATO is the biggest terrorist organization in the world” 

Michael Tzimis | Socialist Platform of Georgia

Dear Comrades and fellow fighters, we greet the International Conference of the World Anti-Imperialist Platform which is being held ahead of the NATO summit and whose goal is to mobilize all progressive anti-fascist forces against NATO. NATO has been an aggressive organization since its inception in 1949. After 1991, with its new military doctrine, it turned into a “global sentinel” of imperialist interests. It was often associated with bloody regimes and dictatorships, reactionary forces and Juntas. He actively participated in the dissolution of Yugoslavia, in the barbaric bombings against Serbia for 78 days, in the overthrow of regimes with “orange revolutions” which we saw and experienced in Georgia and Ukraine. NATO implements in practice the role of the international organization for the settlement of global issues, but it has also adopted a new doctrine so that it can operate within the member states in the name of “security”, i.e. dealing with popular movements. The enemy is the people.

But let’s get back to NATO’s involvement in Ukraine. Stoltenberg had openly told the authorities of the special military operation at the NATO Defense Ministers Summit: “The war did not start last February. The war started in 2014” (that is, when a pro-Western government emerged in Kiev after a coup with open Euro-Atlantic imperialist intervention and support), the NATO chief said, adding that “since 2014, NATO allies have provided support to Ukraine, with training, with equipment”. We remind you that the invasion was preceded by the bombings and the military operation of the fascist regime of Kiev in the heroic regions of Donetsk and Lugansk.

Lenin analyzed the essence and legal defects of imperialism in his work “Imperialism, the highest stage of capitalism”, which is an important theoretical basis and methodological tool for the study and interpretation of the phenomena and developments of modern capitalism. Let’s look a little at the actions of imperialism. Imperialism uses US and NATO bases to attack all the oppressed peoples of the world. They use the bases to attack the Middle East and also to send weapons to the fascist Zelensky.

Our duty is to stand in solidarity with all the competitors.

NATO, as a military apparatus, is the gatekeeper of the imperialist world. However, it is not just a military structure. NATO means occupation, repression, war crimes, torture, murder, poverty, extermination, injustices, coups, enemies of the peoples of the world!

NATO is the biggest terrorist organization in the world. It is the greatest threat to all the peoples of the world.

To unite and fight against imperialism and the collaborating states.


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