Home Articles 2024 July The peoples of the world want peace, NATO-EU wants war! 

The peoples of the world want peace, NATO-EU wants war! 

Anatole Sawosik | Pôle de renaissance communiste en France (PRCF)

Emmanuel Macron, in the vanguard of NATO and the USA, announced and implemented the deployment of French soldiers on Ukrainian soil, then recently claimed to be targeting and bombing the whole of Russia with French bombs and missiles. Pushing the nuclear escalation even further, he adds that he wants to deploy modernized Mirage 2000 fighter-bombers in Ukrainian skies. With these declarations, the chancelleries of the European Union, and later Washington, have officially recognized what observers have been witnessing on the ground for weeks and months. In recent days, the White House has made it official that it has no objection to US weapons striking the Russian population directly. In fact, the targeting, arming and deployment of long-range missiles, tanks and their weapon systems, and precision artillery cannot be carried out without the presence of trained NATO troops and specialists from the military-industrial complex in close proximity to the fighting. While German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius trumpets the inevitability of world war before 2029 and calls for the remilitarization of Germany, he could soon be proven wrong. After all, we are at midnight on the nuclear apocalypse clock of a third world war. Unless popular mobilization defends peace by reminding us that our money is for our wages and pensions, not for war.

Charged with commemorating the 80th anniversary of June 6, 1944, Olaf Scholz’s vice-chancellor, Emmanuel Macron, distinguished himself by his increasingly SUICIDAROUS choice in favor of the EU-NATO Axis, WHICH MAKES FRANCE A POTENTIALLY NUCLEAR TARGET. And IN BONUS, an accomplice to the ongoing genocide in the Gaza Strip!

When it comes to the dramatic plight of the Palestinian people, Macron has de facto refused to condemn the ongoing genocide or exert the slightest pressure on his “dear friend” Netanyahu to stop his criminal madness. Refusing to recognize the Palestinian state out of “indignation” (which hasn’t prevented him from unconditionally supporting the pronazi regime in Kiev), Macron feigns “emotion” at the butchery in Gaza and “understanding” for the demonstrators supporting the Palestinian people. How can we believe this when the infamous Dupont-Moretti circular is still in force, criminalizing activists, especially trade unionists, who denounce the ongoing genocide?

De facto unconditional support for Israel… and a headlong rush towards nuclear apocalypse.

It’s true that the aforementioned Macron can rely on the infamous vote for war credits including the social-imperialist and liberal-imperialist bloc from the PCF, alongside the PS and EELV, to the extreme right on November 30, 2022, and on the renewed declarations of the established “left” which, with Roussel, proclaims military support for the Kiev regime, this regime installed by NATO and backed by Ukrainian neo-Nazis, which persecutes communists. On May 30, 2024, Fabien Roussel declared: “There is an aggressor, Russia, and an aggressed, Ukraine. We must support Ukraine so that it can defend itself. There’s no ambiguity!” For her part, Manon Aubry stated on May 23, 2024: “Yes, support must be unfailing in financial, military and logistical terms”.

A warmongering vanguard of the EU-NATO alliance, Macron claims that his escalation of the war against Russia in Ukraine is in defense of “democratic values”. The depth and nature of these “values” can be judged by his support for the massacres of Palestinians in Gaza by his ally, the “fascist theocracy” of Israel (according to Tel Aviv mayor Ron Huldai). At the same time as Macron was announcing the delivery of more weapons and even planes to Ukraine to “strike on Russian soil”, and claiming that French soldiers were risking their lives in Ukraine to fight Russia, he was refusing simple recognition of the Palestinian state and continuing to support the delivery of weapons to Israel, the occupying power in violation of UN resolutions and the International Court of Justice, which is concerned about the genocide under way in Gaza and has ordered a ceasefire to stop it.

In fact, it’s not democratic values that are at stake here. Otherwise, Macron wouldn’t be ordering the French army to train on French soil soldiers so obviously Nazi that it’s tattooed on their foreheads, these soldiers from the fascist battalions that were the shock troops of the bloody Maidan coup in 2014 that plunged Ukraine into fascist repression and then civil war. On the contrary, it is the imperialist extension of the EU-NATO Axis, integrating Ukraine into its “market”, that is the cause and aim of the war.

In fact, there is now an absolute need for a broad popular front to defend peace. This need has been recognized, given the success of the call for peace initiated by the PRCF, now supported by over 1,600 signatories.

And an echo that is beginning to take root in the world of work. A glimmer of hope in this gloomy news is the recent Force Ouvrière national confederal committee resolution denouncing the direct link between warlike escalation abroad and escalation against workers’ rights and wages at home. As for the CGT’s Unité Action, it has just published a leaflet proclaiming that “The EU is misery and war!” and calling for “an exit from the EU” and “a break with capitalism”.

The CCN of Force Ouvrière condemns the remarks made by the President of the Republic concerning his willingness to commit the French army to the Ukraine, and his desire to implement a war economy policy impacting all ministries and the civil service. At the same time, the government is not increasing the salaries of civil servants and public employees, causing them to lose purchasing power for several years.

Let’s hope that this kind of stance will soon be widely adopted by all the unions, especially the largest of them all, the CGT, and by every single worker. 

Germany, Slovakia, Hungary, France… demonstrations for peace

In the European countries bordering Ukraine, directly affected by the escalation of the imperialist war waged in Ukraine against Russia by the EU-NATO axis, popular reactions in defense of peace are massive.

In Slovakia—where the counter-revolution following the fall of the Berlin Wall made the political panorama extremely difficult to understand—voters overwhelmingly voted for the return of a government with a peace-loving outlook.

In Hungary, this was also the mainspring of the populist (and violently reactionary and anti-communist) Orban’s successful campaign.

In fact, those in France who claim to be of the “left” but are the radical opposite of the legacy of Jean Jaurès, who, in order to kneel and sanctify themselves in the Sacred Union with the EU-NATO, refuse to defend peace in order to celebrate the war in Ukraine and its integration into the EU-NATO, and thus turn their backs on popular aspirations for peace, are opening up a boulevard to the extreme right, which is surfing on the growing popular anger in the hope of seizing power.

And yet, the far right from Ciotti to Zemmour, despite the rantings of Le Pen/Bardella posing as opponents of Macron, is in fact supporting the war. With its clear refusal to leave the EU-NATO Axis and its support for the pro-Nazi regime in Kiev, Le Pen—Bardella’s RN is ultimately supporting Macron and the EU-NATO Axis. Marine Le Pen recently declared: “We supported Ukraine right away, we offered to provide defensive weapons to Ukraine, but we also drew red lines in the interests of France: we don’t want Ukraine to join the EU and NATO, we don’t want to share our nuclear deterrent, we don’t want to send troops to a war that is not France’s war”. On May 29, she was careful to reiterate her demand that NATO support Ukraine militarily, thereby signifying the total alignment of the Rassemblement “National” with the strategy of weakening post-Soviet Russia through the intermediary of a banded Ukraine, a strategy developed with barely concealed words by American hegemonism (and even though this strategy also includes, explicitly and deliberately, the industrial weakening of Europe. What patriots this Le Pen/Bardella clique is!)

The example of Meloni, now in power in Italy, is a reminder that the far right supports capital’s EU and is 100% committed to NATO. Far from defending the nation’s interest in peace, the extreme right of Le Pen/Zemmour serves the imperialist war of its capitalist constituents.


On the contrary, to defend peace, workers must turn to and organize themselves around an organization like the Pôle de Renaissance Communiste in France, whose ideas are gradually gaining ground among workers and trade unionists. Communists, in France as in Germany, are thus in the vanguard of the peace movement.

In the context of the early parliamentary elections following despot Macron’s decision to dissolve the National Assembly, the PRCF, through its National Secretary Fadi Kassem, is calling for resistance against fascism, for peace, wages and national

independence, to put an end to Macron-Le Pen and the EU-NATO—and thus rebuild workers’ France. That’s why the PRCF is putting forward thirty urgent measures, including those devoted to peace, national independence and international cooperation: these include leaving NATO at all levels (military and political), globalized capitalist bodies (IMF, WTO, World Bank, “free trade agreements”), but also breaking with Françafrique—which France’s imperialist forces are trying to save as far as possible—and with the neo-colonialism still reigning in overseas territories such as New Caledonia or Mayotte. All these factors prevent socialist-style, sovereign development for all populations.

That’s why the PRCF is fielding workers’ candidates in the 2024 parliamentary elections, and leading a national campaign to block the Lepenist rally of the RN, LR and their Macronist bloc comparses, while rejecting the Euro-bellicists of Hollande’s PS, Glucksmann’s Place publique and EELV. The fundamental challenge is to open up a red and tricolored Alternative to rebuild the France of the workers, and thus defend peace, wages, democratic freedoms and the independence of the Nation.

The peoples of the world want peace, NATO and the European Union want war! ATLANTIC EUROPE OR A PEACEFUL WORLD—IT’S TIME TO CHOOSE!

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