Home Articles 2024 August “It is our duty to help in the recomposition of an anti-imperialist,...

“It is our duty to help in the recomposition of an anti-imperialist, anti-NATO Latin America” 

Luis Aravena | Chilean Communist Party (Proletarian Action)

The Chilean Communist Party (Proletarian Action); P.C.(A.P.), we greet those attending this meeting of the World Anti-imperialist Platform, which takes place in Washington, USA, for all a big fraternal, Communist, Revolutionary embrace.

General Crisis of Capitalism:

Capitalism enters into a permanent decline in relation to the forms of production that permanently clash with the advanced forms of labor, which are largely collective, in chain, from the extraction of raw materials to the manufacture of goods in factories and large industries. The form of collective production, increasingly clashes with the exaggerated form of individual appropriation, today, there are already nations, which using the general laws of capitalism, are building the foundations to advance to a multipolar world, that is, new economic rules and relations between countries, where the possibility of mutual support, allow the development of countries and end the subjugation and overexploitation of the capitalist system.

The decline of US supremacy is clearly manifested in the development of other major economic alliances such as BRIC, which allows attacking the heart of the US imperialist economy, which is the use of the dollar in economic transactions of international trade, this increases the pressure on US imperialism, which not only sees the danger of losing the privilege of forcing the rest of the world to use the dollar, but also its impossibility of keeping up with the speed of scientific, industrial and technological advances and progress of the People’s Republic of China, which is moving towards becoming the first economic power in the world.

The impulse that US imperialism received after the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, has already lost all its temporary effect, today even the vestiges of some of the republics that were part of the USSR, are returning to the path of openly confronting the plans of US imperialism, NATO and the puppet governments that are trying to stop the rise of patriotic ideas, of profound changes, of self-determination, sovereignty and socialist perspective.

Today the US is focused on trying to save its privileges, that is, to save its economic system and its international domination and to confront all those who endanger it, using hybrid warfare, economic and commercial sanctions, the use of terrorist groups, mercenaries, drug mafias, and even the delivery of technology, weapons and economic resources, to stop the advance of those who are growing in influence and determination to produce structural changes that are beginning to overcome the influence and power of the US. 

The People’s Republic of China, the Russian Federation, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, the Islamic Republic of Iran, are the main targets of US Imperialism.

Lenin wrote: Imperialism is, in general, a tendency to violence and reaction.

The USA using NATO, i.e. more than 34 countries directly and the various puppet governments, confronts the Russian Federation in Ukraine; Zionism, which is imposed in Israel and with the support of the USA, tries to annihilate the Palestinian people, to seize their territory and wealth; On the Korean peninsula, there are increasing provocations by South Korea, which maintains the military support and ideological influence of the USA and seeks to escalate the provocations towards the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea; the People’s Republic of China, permanently faces the attempt to split its territory, this happens with Taiwan, which is permanently encouraged and financed by the USA, so as to create internal conflicts and justify new economic sanctions against the People’s Republic of China.

Latin America:

According to how the US understands Latin America, it is for the US what Asia and Africa is, for the Europeans (Westerners), the Monroe Doctrine, 1823, indicates: America for the Americans; that is, the U.S. understands that Latin America is its backyard, so they understand it from its development as an economic power, where they were given the task of imposing their policies of domination, it is not strange the financing of coups in every country where there is the possibility of development of patriotic and sovereign governments or seeking to move away from the influence of the U.S., for the same reason, it is not strange the establishment of various far-right military dictatorships, as what happened in countries such as Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, etc., This allowed reinforcing the dependence of the different Latin American countries on the USA, using among other measures the signing of commercial treaties, free trade agreements, military treaties, etc. 

It is necessary today to reinforce the task of patriotic, popular, sovereignist, anti-imperialist organizations with socialist ideas in Latin America, to strengthen the knowledge of the different experiences that are taking place in the world, to confront US Imperialism, NATO and the different puppet governments. It is important to know the attitude and experience of the People’s Republic of China, the Russian Federation, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, to counteract the permanent disinformation that is made from the various media and rrss managed by the U.S. and allied governments. 

We all know the reality of occupied Palestine, which from Israeli Zionism, and the sponsorship of the U.S., seeks to deny its responsibility in provoking the just resistance of the Palestinian people, which is why we must deploy today a broader solidarity and support to the people of Palestine, and the repudiation of the Genocide that implements the Zionism of Israel. 

 Today in Latin America the right-wing of different governments is taking place, which gives a basis of support to U.S. imperialism and neoliberal policies, there are examples of countries like Ecuador, El Salvador, Argentina and Chile, which despite pretending to be a center-left government, permanently shows its servility to the interests of the US, an example of this is the support to Ukraine, its permanent criticism to Venezuela, Nicaragua and Cuba, as well as to any country that fights for its sovereignty and therefore, that comes into conflict with the US and the other lackey governments of Imperialism.

That is to say, not only the governments that openly define themselves as right-wing, but even some that disguise themselves as progressive are puppets of the interests of the hegemonic groups of the USA.

The opportunist theories on imperialism in Latin America can become dangerous if we do not dedicate a special effort to work among the oppressed popular masses.

The application of the neoliberal policy in Latin America from the Washington Consensus, 1989, where the destruction of the national industry of the dependent countries is implemented and where only the countries of Latin America are exporters of raw materials. This is recalled and deepened by Laura Richarson, who says that Latin American countries, our raw materials, are of strategic interest for the internal security of the USA.

Today, drug trafficking and the international networks that support it are growing and are skillfully used by US imperialism, they are an important instrument that allows the justification for the rise of right-wing governments, such as the governments of Ecuador, Peru, El Salvador and Argentina. 

The American continent is made up of 35 countries with a population of close to one billion inhabitants. We are the third most inhabited continent and we have a surface of 43 million square kilometers, the second largest continent, only surpassed by the Asian continent.

The gross domestic product of all the countries of the American continent is important, but this is only a small reflection of the immense wealth that the continent has and that are important reserves at the time of great world confrontations that can be extended in time, these immense wealth can ensure advantages that allow autonomy, being much more complex to attack the reserves that are close to those who use them and allows surveillance and control, in this case to the U.S. and NATO.

Argentina 641,102; Bolivia 46097; Brazil 2,081,235; Canada 2,130,672; Chile 358557; Colombia 334689; Costa Rica 77,777; Cuba; Ecuador 121291; USA 26,854599 El Salvador 33752; Mexico 1,663,164; Panama 77257; Paraguay 42820; Peru 268235; Dominican Republic 121289; Guatemala 102309; Uruguay 77313; Venezuela. Honduras: 32.860 billion, Trinidad and Tobago 28.223 billion, Haiti: 26.580 billion, Jamaica:17254 billion, Nicaragua: 17. 287 billion, Guyana 16309 billion, Bahamas 14114 billion; Barbados 6117; Suriname: 3470 billion, Aruba: 3633 billion, Belize: 3162 billion, St. Lucia: 2262 billion, Antigua and Barbuda 1,864 billion, Grenada: 1274 billion, St. Kitts and Nevis 970 million, St. Vincent and the Grenadines 1039 million, Dominica: 681 million.

 This gives a total of $35,209,257,000,000,000 dollars adding up the different GDPs of the countries of the Americas.

Let us add to this information that the number of military troops in America and in conditions to join as reserve to the different interventions and openly armed conflicts, are increasing all over the world and therefore the reserve army of the USA is objectively Latin America, which can mobilize more than 1,300,000,000 troops.

Latin America continues to be the backyard of the United States, where it has assured huge reserves in a future large-scale world war, it has assured the extraction of minerals, food, human capacity for the military industry and vassal armies of Latin American puppet countries.

Comrades, not all is darkness, Latin America is plagued with processes of struggle, resistance and new attempts at reorganization, the popular anti-imperialist uprisings that have taken place are historical. 

Today, it is necessary to work for the reconstruction, development and overcome the defeats that have occurred, we know of the hidden hand of Imperialism in the destruction of various revolutionary, anti-imperialist organizations seeking independence and sovereignty in Latin America and the world, this practice has given results, With greater degrees of coordination we will be able to confront and destroy the false ideas that disguise as progressive the old liberal thoughts, as the KKE does today, that disguising its discourse of anti-imperialism, fervently attacks, well financed, any possibility of confronting the old unipolar order. Comrades, we are convinced, if we work with strength and sacrifice, we will succeed in helping the rebirth of a healthy and powerful anti-imperialist force, and therefore a powerful anti-fascist force in all of Latin America and the continent, from the embers that have been left we must blow them to start the fire that will burn the prairies of oppression and domination over the peoples.

Today the healthy forces that we fight: The Communists; the immense patriotic forces, even the nationalist ones, we can and must unify them to face with force the attempts to destroy humanity through a third World War, it is our duty to help in the recomposition of an anti-imperialist, anti-NATO Latin America, in struggle against all the puppet governments that prevent through new laws to stop any sign of rebellion and revolt, but they forget, a law of dialectics that will destroy them and it is that sooner rather than later, the new will overcome the old, however it is not enough to know it, it is necessary and urgent to join our peoples, to understand their demands, their aspirations and needs, to organize them and put them in motion, only healthy forces , will be able to stop the destruction of humanity.

Dear comrades:


We are moving towards the liberation and independence of countries and peoples, towards independence, sovereignty and socialism.

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