

World War III and counter-hegemonic trends 

Bruno Drweski | Association Nationale des Communistes (France)

What does Hamas want?

Azzam Tamimi | Alhiwar TV Channel

War in Gaza and the risk of World War

Kim Jang-min | Political Economics Research Institute PNYX

War Crisis between Taiwan and mainland China

Ju Hsing Tsang | Labor Party (Taiwan)

‘Our only option is struggle and victory against imperialist criminals’ 

Miloš Karavezic | New Communist Party of Yugoslavia (Serbia)

‘Here we started our struggle against imperialism, against fascism’  

Boris Litvinov | Donetsk Republican Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation

A new phase in this NATO―3rd world war 

Jozef Bossuyt | Communist Party of Belgium

10 years since the heroic Donbass uprising

Dimitrios Patelis | Revolutionary Unification (Greece)

[June 2024] The 13th issue of ‘Platform’ is released

The World Anti-imperialist Platform

The 13th issue will be issued on June 9

Please note that the 13th issue will be uploaded shortly afterwards the international conference of the Platform on June 9 as it consists of the texts of the speeches on it.

The most important feature of the “New Cold War” 

Stephen Cho | Coordinator of the Korean International Forum
The World Anti-imperialist Platform