

Beginning Demise of Western Imperialism

Kil Sang Yoon | Korean Amercian National Coordinating Council

NATO’s Nazi Roots 

Gabriel Rockhill | Critical Theory Workshop

“A broad anti-imperialist united front is being built across the globe” 

David Savard | Socialist Action for National Liberation of Quebec (ASLN)

“This 75th NATO Summit is an act of desperation”  

Cody Urban | Resist US-Led War Movement

The struggle against imperialism in Europe

Miguel Ángel | Unión Proletaria

Let us rally our forces in the struggle against imperialism and war

Dmitry Novikov | Communist Party of the Russian Federation

The growth of world war and the tasks of anti-imperialists

Joti Brar | Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist-Leninist)

On the ongoing Third World War

Party of Committees to Support Resistance―for Communism (CARC Party)


Ricardo López Risso | Peruvian Communist Party
The World Anti-imperialist Platform