“Our Theory Is Not A Dogma, But A Guide To Action”

Hungarian Workers’ Party (Hungary) | Peter Gal

Dear friends, comrades!
We thank the organisers for organising this international event in the city of Seoul. Here, in one of the foreposts of the imperialist forces of the Asian continent, in one of the hotspots of the probable future conflict centres.
I brought revolutionary greetings to our Korean comrades on the occasion of the Congress of their party. It is an important event, an important event not only for our Korean friends but for the international anti-capitalist forces.
Korea is a faraway place from Hungary, but we are always keeping an eye on the situation on the Korean peninsula. This situation has a profound influence on the process in the world. The DPRK, China and Russia are in the crosshair of the US and their puppet states.
I am coming from Europe, from Hungary, where we can directly feel the war in Ukraine. We should clearly understand the character of this war. Unless we understand, we mislead our parties and people and risk their peace and security.
We have stated it many times, but it cannot be repeated enough. There is a war on the territory of Ukraine. There are mainly Russian forces fighting against mainly Ukrainian forces on the field. But if we look at the big picture, then we immediately see another important thing. The fight is fought not only for Herson or Bahmut. It is fought for the world dominance of the imperialists or for the emergence of a new world order. It is fought not only against Russia but against China, the DPRK, and freedom at all!
This is the war of America against Russia. But this war is also going on against us, working people.
If America wins, the independence of nations will be over. If America wins, money will rule the world completely. They will take away from the workers everything they have fought for themselves.
President Biden considers China the greatest enemy and aims for total war. If Russia weakens, China loses an important ally, and then it will be easier to contain the Chinese economic expansion, and destroy the Chinese dream, to obstruct the construction the socialism with Chinese characteristics. Then they will try to unite Korea as well. But the unification will be only on their terms.
The USA expends the struggle of neoliberalism for world domination into a global conflict. It is obvious that the strength of the USA is declining. If the majority of the international community keeps peace and development as the mainstream, the world will come to multipolarity. However, if the world enters a new Cold War with endless conflicts and tensions, the life of US hegemony will be extended.
Dear friends!
We deeply understand the Korean case. And again, I would like to refer to the Hungarian situation as a reason. Although here, the situation is much worse. International imperialist forces made two states and incited them against each other. They made a comfortable base on the territory of their puppet state, from where they can easily threaten the whole continent. They are doing the same in Taiwan; they always divide and rule.
We have to stand up as one front, all the parties and organisations of the world, who are fighting against the dividing forces and struggling to make a new world order. Our enemies have sneaky instruments against us. We should be careful.
Sometimes we get unexpected attacks. Who would think that a communist party with a revolutionary past opens ideological and political fire at those who want to lead a modern and effective fight against imperialism? It is hard to believe, but the CP of Greece (KKE) did it.
We Hungarian communists think that only the imperialist forces would benefit from a large-scale ideological war with the KKE. We should not go down this road, even if our comrades in the KKE are trying to push us into the quagmire.
What should we do? We, the parties cooperating in the Anti-imperialist Platform and the Platform itself, should demonstrate with our work that it is our position which really corresponds to the real situation.
We should organise more demonstrations, more conferences. We should convince more parties to join our initiative. We should use the most effective methods of class struggle. If we can do it, everybody will understand that the truth is on our side.
The communist parties of the world are facing a challenging task now. We should save our Marxist conviction, and on the basis of the concrete analysis of the concrete situation, we should decide policy. As Lenin taught us, this “constitutes the very gist, the living soul of Marxism.”
We should remain on Marxist positions, but should be open to different opinions too. Remember Engels: “Our theory is not a dogma, but a guide to action.”
We should find new allies in the anti-imperialist struggle. We should understand that there are different forces opposing imperialism, communists and non-communists. We should find a common language with them, too.
The ideological fight is one of our important weapons. Unfortunately, the unreadable materials of our enemies have their public; in some cases, they are successfully putting some comrades on the wrong path.
We have to work on enlightening people, guiding them to the truth about the world situation, lead them in the struggle for a more communal, human-like, socialist system.