‘The World Could Precipitate Into A Great War Of Global Characteristics’

People’s Party of Panama | Moises Carrasquilla

First of all, please receive the fraternal greetings of the People’s Party of Panama and the assurance that we have received and heeded your request to join with our statement to your initiative to convene a meeting next May in Seoul where an international conference will be held with the objective of deliberating for the creation of a World Anti-imperialist Platform.
The present note serves to share your concern to join efforts to avert a global war hecatomb at a time when there are already several hotbeds of local tensions, some already developed at the level of warlike confrontations even localized and others of latent tension whose explosion could lead to an intensification of the conditions in which the world could precipitate into a great war of global characteristics determined by the fusion and expansion of local conflicts until they become regional and then global.
From our point of view, enhanced by the particular location of our country in a region of the Caribbean where the forces of U.S. imperialism and the Latin American Caribbean countries that already have an anti-imperialist political presence for the independent development of our countries and our region, we fully understand your motivations to avert the danger, motivations that we make our own.
In cases such as the present, the unity of thought, positioning and action of our countries is a contribution to achieve a halt to the current danger, which is why we subscribe to your opinion for the construction of a powerful anti-imperialist and anti-war network.
Receive our best wishes for success and our commitment to get involved in the work and coordination agreed upon.