Dear comrades!
I am glad to welcome you all in Athens, Greece, the homeland of ancient Greek philosophers, the homeland where the concepts of ancient Greek democracy, dialectics, where the representatives of Miletian materialistic philosophy, Democritus, Heraclitus, as well as the titans of idealistic philosophy like Socrates, Plato, Aristotle lived!
Dear comrades!
In recent years, many spears have been broken about the fact that we should not divide philosophers into materialists and idealists, there was a departure from materialist dialectics! But life proves that without scientific methodology any scientific analysis is impossible for any reality, especially social reality! Philosophy is a fundamental science and we communists cannot do without the scientific theory of Marxism-Leninism in analyzing and understanding modern processes in the world! What awaits civilization in the future, what kind of society will we live in? It is already clear to everyone that imperialism is in a state of CRISIS in all spheres! In economic, ecological, social, political-legal, moral and others. That is, the epoch of SOCIAL REVOLUTION is coming! Specifically, the era of SOCIALIST revolution! There are all the signs of OBJECTIVE FACTORS of the socialist revolution, which are already overripe, and there is a process of rotting of society, especially in its most developed part! Why? Because the SUBJECTIVE FACTORS OF THE SOCIALIST REVOLUTION were still weak! The destruction of the Soviet Union and the world socialist system undoubtedly played its negative role: the treachery of the Trotskyists who had made their way to the upper echelons of power of the CPSU, the slander and vilification by liberals of Lenin, especially Stalin and the most loyal and faithful communists, the falsification of the history of the CPSU and the Soviet state! But this period has already been passed by the communist and labor movement of the world! For the last 30-odd years, the practice of the imperialist stage of the development of society has shown its predatory face, the dehumanization of man, the degradation of the spiritual world of all mankind! Today, as the classics of Marxism said, there is a REVOLUTIONARY SITUATION in the world!
The “tops” cannot govern in a new way, and the “bottoms” also cannot tolerate this lawlessness of the tops! The ruling tops of the imperialist states have entered into irreconcilable contradictions among themselves! Not to use these contradictions for our tactical and strategic purposes would be an unforgivable mistake! After the destruction of the Soviet Union by the emerging unipolar world, the USA and a number of its satellites thought they were the masters of the whole world, and decided that they could rule the fate of the world! The principle appeared: I want to kill, I want to pardon! So they destroyed Libya, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Yugoslavia! Today they’re not giving Serbia a rest! If they wish, they organize coups in any state through NGOs, Islamic militants created by them, as NATO army on the ground! They create constant conflicts, wars between Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, Armenia and Azerbaijan, in the Caucasus in Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan. They have built their biological laboratories in post-Soviet states, trying to tear the republics away from Russia for their own selfish purposes! Endless sanctions for states they dislike, reaching absurdity! What states are these? Today it is Russia, formerly socialist states: Cuba, DPRK, Venezuela, Iran, etc.
Our Platform itself is called anti-imperialist! The whole world today is already opposing further attempts of neo-colonization by rich Western powers like the USA and other states, especially developing, socialist countries. Today, the number one target for them is Russia, because it is great, has an independent policy, is disobedient, rich in territory, natural resources, and exceptional human potential! There is a Special Military Operation of Russia—Soviet Union against the collective Western fascism on the territory of Ukraine, because it is the West that unleashed it according to its master plan! Russia is defending its security, its territory, its Russian-speaking people! Moreover, Russia is ridding the whole world of the evil empire—American-European fascism of the entire Planet! Proof that the imperialist West is sick with fascism irrevocably speaks the last shameful fact in Parliament of Canada! On September 19, 2023, an elderly Ukrainian Banderite fascist from SS-Galicia was honored there with standing ovations and cries of “Glory to Ukraine!” The Speaker seemed to apologize and resigned, the President of Canada and Zelensky remained silent!
10 years ago, this would not have been dreamt of even in a bad dream! Well, this is the degree of degradation of the fascist top brass of the imperialist West!
The crisis in the economic sphere of modern imperialism is manifested in the contradictions that have arisen between the growing productive forces and the production relations that are far behind them! There is a process of international integration of productive forces, whereby resources of many countries of the world are taken into production turnover, first of all natural resources: gas, oil, metal, gold and other precious metals, black earth as in Ukraine, water resources, etc. NATO countries manage not to buy these resources, but by brazenly destroying states, killing the population with bombs and missiles they rob them for free, as in the case of Libya, Iraq, Syria, etc. Islamic terrorists created by them are used very actively for this purpose! TNCs (transnational corporations) are created from which they have FANTASTIC profits! Do the working masses get anything for their titanic labor from these profits? After all, they have a legal right to these natural resources too! The answer is unequivocal: of course not!
So what happens to the RELATIONS OF PRODUCTION?
- Does any part of the property get into the hands of the working masses from these TNCs? Of course not! Especially since there is such a massive monopolization and capitalization of property!
- The monopolies exchange their products with each other, but what about the relations of consumption? Maybe from these huge profits the workers’ salaries have been raised decently, so that they have enough for everything? Well, at least to pay for an expensive operation? Of course not! This is already clear to a horse! When there was the Soviet Union and socialism, the bourgeoisie was afraid of the socialist revolution, the working class tried to give more or less acceptable wages! And now? They are afraid of nothing and nobody! They have steamships, airplanes, bank accounts in various countries, palaces and everything they want! The working masses—many of them simply have no roof over their heads, no wages—not to starve to death, and a non-routine working day! And from the excess of profit and consumer psychology, the imperialist bourgeoisie morally degenerates and suffers new anti-human desires —adrenochromia, pedophilia, gambling addiction—casinos, drugs, homosexuals and LGBT, transgenders and other scum! Can you imagine the dissonance between exploiters and exploited? In addition, scientific and technological progress is driving the worker out of the production process! These contradictions between the productive forces and the relations of production can be enumerated endlessly! Because of the growing contradictions between them, there is simply a growing POLARIZATION between the super-rich and the super-poor, both as people and as states! Let’s take a look at some African states? Malnourished children, people living in simply inhumane conditions! In any capitalist state, we see homeless, unemployed, alienated from education, medicine, culture, crowds of people marginalized by poverty! This is not normal for modern civilization! Therefore, in the SOCIAL sphere, the revolutionary situation for the majority of the population is already in full swing! Is imperialism able to change this situation in favor of the poor, working masses? No way! We can immediately note that the RIGHTS CRISIS, the POLITICAL CRISIS in the world has reached a point beyond which there is only self-destruction! We do not need to go far, let’s analyze the actions of Brussels! In order to please the USA and to act according to their planned scenario of RUSSOPHOBIA they refuse Russian gas, i.e. impose sanctions on them! Why? Because under the leadership of the USA (V. Nulland with cookies), Britain, Germany and France they committed a coup d’état in Ukraine, burned Russians alive in Odessa Trade Union House? In 2014 there were dozens if not hundreds of Americans in the Presidential Administration of Ukraine who managed the military coup d’état when the Turchinovs, Yatsenyuk, Avakovs and many other Bandera-azovs came to power!? Then killed the people of Donetsk and Lugansk!? They all together fooled the world community with the Minsk agreements in order to fundamentally prepare for war with Russia, using the Bandera-fascists of Ukraine? After brazenly bombing and torturing Donetsk and Lugansk for 8 years? Is that why they decided to declare sanctions against Russia!? Or because the people of Crimea voluntarily went to their native, legitimate homeland—Russia, which the traitor-trotskyist Khrushchev for some reason gave to Ukraine in his time?! Let’s turn on common sense! Today in Europe there is already an energy crisis, plants and factories are closing, gas prices for the working masses of Europe are rising, unemployment is beginning! Is this the lunacy of the greedy bourgeoisie, first of all of the European Union? At the same time, Europe is supplying weapons to Ukraine with all its might! The war of the fascist West with Russia is going on! Ukraine needs more and more tanks and airplanes! The Ukrainian Army needs to be fed! Plus there are crowds of migrants from the Arab states, which Europe together with the USA just mercilessly killed with bombs for so many years in Iraq, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan! They have turned their towns and villages into ruins! They say: “What you sow is what you reap!”
Conclusion: they turned the Arab states into RUINS! Afghanistan into PLANTATIONS of opium poppies—NARCOTICS! The whole world knows the long-standing Palestinian-Israeli conflict, which could have been solved by the creation of a Palestinian state! But the West and Israel itself did not move this issue from the deadlock, because it is not profitable for them, on the contrary, the Palestinian territory is being seized. On October 7, 2023 Hamas launched a brutal attack on Israel! Hundreds of dead and wounded! Israel retaliates! Bombs, rockets! More citizens of the Gaza Strip are killed! Israel prepares for a ground operation and warns Palestinians, civilians to vacate the territory! Where are they supposed to go? Nowhere to go? This is how a brutal murder is committed on both sides, instead of a peaceful solution to the problem! You wonder who benefits from this? The imperialists of the Great Powers! They are here wherever there are problems, and if not, they create them on purpose! In recent years, Hamas has been financed by the USA and Europe! They don’t solve the problem! They smile at both sides and, when they need to, they use their fighters one way or the other! Apparently, they want, i.e. the USA and Europe, a big fire in the Middle East, involving Iran, Syria and other eastern states! They have a goal of eliminating up to 2 billion of the world’s population! In addition, they consider Palestinians not human beings, but animals! Racism! That’s the horror of imperialism! The world does not know what will happen next! It’s more like SELF ANNIHILATION!
They are going to war with China in Taiwan! North Korea-DPRK in total sanctions! South Korea has been colonized! There’s a huge US military base there! When they have airplanes falling on buildings in cities, on sown areas in fields, the USA, it turns out, do not even make up for the destroyed objects! Moreover, they don’t pay rent to the state of South Korea! You should know how the common people, the workers simply hate them, demanding that they leave their land! South Koreans feel humiliated and insulted by the presence of the US military base! The common people want reunification with North Korea! It is rightly regarded as a truly sovereign country! If Japan has really forgotten who threw a nuclear bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, it is probably their current government again! There is no way the common people have forgotten that it was the USA! Japan was not so belligerent when the Prime Minister was dead! Now it is as if they want to create a triple military alliance: USA, SOUTH KOREA, JAPAN! Naturally, such a Union does not promise anything positive for the world! If we look around as if very friendly countries to us Finland, Sweden and Norway also join NATO and will work against Russia! We can go on! Thus, the whole West is ready to cross their weapons with Russia! A big third world war is clearly brewing! Is this a factor for socialist revolution? Of course! If we take into account that more and more countries want to have nuclear weapons and dispose of them as they want, i.e. nuclear war becomes an absolute reality! Mankind has not only nuclear weapons, but also chemical, biological, tectonic, electronic and some other super-secret weapons! Human interference in ecological natural regularities, destruction of ecosystems created by natural selection over centuries and millennia poses a real threat of liquidation of all life on Earth. Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic, Professor T.A. Abdyldaev in his work “The character of the relationship between nature and society in the conditions of scientific and technological revolution”. Frunze: Mektep, 1976 wrote that only socialism can overcome the contradictions arising between nature and society, man and the external environment, to create harmonious, mutually adaptive relations between them. On the SOCIALISTIC planned basis to carry out the nationwide, universal interests in life!
Only when: “people will begin quite consciously to create their own history and will have in predominant and ever-increasing measure the consequences they desire. This is the leap of mankind from the realm of necessity to the realm of freedom.” (K. Marx, F. Engels. Opus., vol.20, p.294-295)
Unfortunately, under imperialism so far we have predatory use not only of human resources, but also of nature and natural resources! Why? Because under private ownership the priority of private interest, the desire for immediate profit, without thinking about the serious ecological consequences, takes over! A clear example of this is the mining of gold by the Canadian firm Centerra Gold at the Kumtor deposit in Kyrgyzstan, high in the mountains on the purest glaciers! They mined gold by open pit mining, destroyed the glaciers, there are toxic chemicals lying openly there! The profit for the country was minimal! Greedy for dollars, former authorities of Kyrgyzstan together were engaged in destruction of ecology of mountains of Kyrgyzstan and stealing of gold that is an attribute and a norm of life of criminal bourgeoisie! The new authorities NATIONALIZED this deposit and the gold is working for the country today! The criminal local bourgeoisie is very unhappy about it! It’s a PRECEDENT! They can do the same with other industries of high importance for the state of Kyrgyzstan! If we analyze the ecological situation on a global planetary scale, mankind is facing self-liquidation! Unreasonable destructive, sinister interference of mankind above the ground, above the water, under the ground and under the water, in the atmosphere, in space, all leads to serious difficult to correct consequences! Scientists say that the magma of the Earth is coming out and will wipe out all life on Earth! But if all mankind by united efforts will undertake for prevention of this tragedy chance of rescue of mankind all the same, it turns out, there is! But the private property consciousness will never go for it! This is a fact! On the contrary, the deep state of imperialism is aimed at the destruction of humanity!!! And this is not even a secret policy! The programs of the Gates and Soros speak of this!
Thus the crisis of imperialism has reached its peak! Mankind either perishes or finds an alternative way of survival! Is there such a way? Of course!
It’s the SOCIALIST way! There is no other way! It must be realized by the TOP that it is impossible to live the old way! The question for them is: LIFE or a purse with tons of wealth, dollars, gold and other stuff, which they don’t even use? LOWS also do not intend to live like this anymore!
THE SPECIFICITY OF THE MODERN SOCIALIST REVOLUTION WILL BE THAT IT WILL HAVE A PLANETARY CHARACTER! The strong countries must pull up the backward ones! This was also the case in the revolution of 1917 in Russia!
It will go step by step, country by country! In order for mankind not to perish, but to survive, all must hurry!
All of you will say, what forces will be the driving force of the socialist revolution? Who is the vanguard? In whose hands should be the political power? Who will represent the subjective factors of the socialist revolution?
The methodological basis is undoubtedly based on Marxism-Leninism-Stalinism, materialistic dialectic, but taking into account the modern realities of the state of society! Here we will give our vision only in schematic form! I think that the participants of the conference will agree with something, with something not! And maybe it will give an impetus to a deeper study of this problem and may even need a NEW MANIFESTO, as proposed by the participants of the Eastern Economic Forum in September 2023 in St. Petersburg.
The driving force of the SOCIALIST revolution, like any other social revolution, has been and remains the people represented by the working masses: the working class, the laboring peasantry, the laboring intelligentsia, the youth, the unemployed and even migrants! Revolutionary events can capture huge masses of people! Everyone wants to live, especially the young! No one will want to be buried in the burning magma of the Earth! Even the middle and petty bourgeoisie, which collapsed during the monopolization of private property, simply could not withstand the market competition!
A VANGUARD: proletariat, labor peasantry, labor intelligentsia, communist, workers, socialist parties, army.
The SUBJECTIVE FACTORS of the socialist revolution will be much broader than the vanguard! Here, within the framework of the consideration of this concept on a planetary scale, even entire states can be included! Thus, today the core of the subjective factor of the socialist revolution is RUSSIA! Entirely with the tops, the bottoms, but most importantly the RUSSIAN RED ARMY, consisting of the families of workers, peasants, labor intelligentsia! There are no children of any bourgeoisie there! They fight against the fascism of the collective West, they die on the battlefield, they lie wounded defending their Fatherland! The SMO is radically changing the situation in Russia itself and in the world as a whole! 56 states mostly of the West are at war with Russia today! The criminal bourgeoisie of Russia is getting more and more uncomfortable in Russia! Accustomed for these 30-odd years to live in luxury, to live as they want, now they cannot! Therefore, this part is slowly starting to pull the plug on Russia! Many enterprises are already being nationalized due to military necessity! I want so much to stop the war! But it won’t! The deep state of imperialism is not going to stop! That’s not why this mess was started! The war was prepared by the West, and they blame it all on Russia! They’re always like that! The West wants to crush Russia and swallow it, and together with them or one by one all post-Soviet republics! All 15 republics of the Soviet Union have very vulnerable places! Their legal insignificance after the destruction of the Soviet Union and socialism! We are not sovereign, but some trading firms registered in various US states! The leaders of all 15 states know this, but they are dragging it out! We have lived for 32 years, maybe we can still live in this deception and self-deception! The West is quite satisfied with this miserable state of the post-Soviet republics! By the way, registration as trading firms in various states also ends or some of them have already ended with the expiration of 30 years of the All-Union referendum held by Gorbachev in 1991! Then we all become a protectorate of Great Britain! Maybe we already are? It’s all tied up in some kind of trust! The Soviet Union really and legally exists! We just have to bring the trading firms back into the legal fold of the Soviet Union! To return their legal status, their Great Motherland Soviet Union and no less important and relevant—SOCIALISM! These are all stages of survival of mankind from self-liquidation from ecological and social catastrophe!
Therefore Russia—the Soviet Union—the core of all future social and political processes in the world on the way of socialist revolution on a planetary scale!
To subjective factors of socialist revolution is the UNION OF THREE COUNTRIES: two strong socialist countries: China and North Korea and Russia—the Soviet Union! This Union is a strong blow to the imperialist fascist West! Kim Jong-un’s arrival in Vladivostok, talked with V.V. Putin, familiarization with the imperialist fascist West! Putin, familiarization with Vostochny Cosmodrome, Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Eastern Federal University and other facilities showed the great interest of the two states to each other! V.V. Putin will be in China in October! North Korea is close enough to the USA and it can no longer think that it is far from Russia! Southeast Asia has quite declared its interests!
There was a very important Russia—Africa summit! Almost all speakers spoke with love and great respect about the Soviet Union! In some way they saw the Soviet Union in the face of Russia! Young leaders have already grown and are growing up there, aimed at constructive work with Russia! By the way, out of 60 African countries, despite the strong pressure from the USA not to go to Russia, all but 4 came!
Africa is already actively opposing the neo-colonization of their countries by the West! Niger, Mali, Burkina Faso have succeeded in getting France to withdraw its troops and diplomatic corps! Russia will deliver grain free of charge to 6 African countries, I think the shipment is already underway! This is also a subjective factor of socialist revolution!
Latin America has long been ready for socialist revolution and being in March 2023 we were convinced of this at the 10th anniversary of the Days of Remembrance of Hugo Chavez in Caracas Venezuela! Cuba, Bolivia, Nicaragua and other leaders of the states of this region only spoke in their speeches about socialism, about Bolivarian revolution! In the Middle East, unfortunately, many states are in ruins, thanks to the robber-fascist activities of the USA and some European countries! Now Israel and Palestine will be added! Russia has done a lot, for example, to keep Syria! Do not dig a hole for another, for you yourself will fall into it! And so it goes! The people of the destroyed Arab states swam by their thousands to the European states! Where to go, they accept, especially there is not enough labor resources! As we know, homos and transgenders don’t give birth!
The next factor in changing the world towards a constructive, social society is the BRICS organization, which previously consisted of 5 states, this year they have accepted 6 more states! This is already a departure from the unipolar decision-making center headed by the USA!
BRICS in its relations is built on completely different principles than in the unipolar world, namely on the principles: against neo-colonization, forced imposition, against the use of the dollar for political purposes, against isolation, the principle of cooperation, taking into account its own interests and opportunities. V.V. Putin at the Valdai Forum noted the principles on which the new world order will be built: equality, justice, absence of exploitation, universal security, openness, diversity of the world!
Agree with the ideas of some scholars that the West should be turned from a subject into an object.
DELIBERALIZATION is the dictates of the time, further progress with liberalism is simply impossible!
The power should be brought closer to the people through various public channels! So in Kyrgyzstan at the constitutional level a new structure—People’s Kurultai—has appeared, where all the supreme power should report to this Kurultai! Then delegates from all oblasts, cities, districts speak with their assessments of the authorities, remarks and proposals! People through various public organizations have been putting forward this idea of the People’s Kurultai for many years, but only the current President has given his consent, it passed through the parliament with difficulty! The 2nd People’s Kurultai will be held in December 2023! We hope for personnel changes taking into account the needs of the time! I would like to note that the President of Kyrgyzstan at the 78th General Assembly in his speech just mentioned the stratification of states into rich and poor, the huge dissonance between the rich and poor in the countries and the need to provide humanitarian aid to Afghanistan! This, we think, was a positive moment in understanding and comprehending the problems of social stratification and the necessity of its solution. We think that the summit of the CIS Heads of State, which took place in Bishkek on October 13 this year, in connection with the situation in the world, shifted their consciousness to the need for deeper integration of the post-Soviet republics!
In all these processes as a subjective factor of the socialist revolution, of course, the communist and socialist parties must play! It is probably not by chance that the World Anti-Imperialist Platform began to work.
With deep respect,
Prof. Klara Azhybekova.
October 15, 2023