“We are the inheritors of the revolutionary past of our people”

The people of Québec have been struggling for their national liberation for over 260 years. After the British conquest in 1760, our people took part in the first anticolonial guerilla in Canada led by indigenous chief Pontiac. In 1837 and 1838, we took up arms against the most powerful army in the world to try to establish a plurinational Republic of Quebec, where Quebecois and indigenous peoples would be equals. In 1918, our resistance against the conscription for the imperialist war was met with the machine-guns of the Canadian army, killing workers and students alike. Between 1963 and 1972, a marxist urban guerilla was led by the Quebec libération front, which attacked Canadian colonialism and American imperialism, and provoked the military occupation of Québec by the Canadian army in 1970, the third time in less than 60 years. Members of the Québec liberation front took part in internationalist struggles, notably by fighting the Zionist occupation forces with the PLO. In 1980 and 1995, referendums on the self-determination of Québec were marked by fraudulent and illegal practices by the Canadian government to ensure our defeat. They have taken all means necessary to deny our right and the right of indigenous peoples to self-determination, from violent repression to manipulation and corruption, while keeping their false appearance of a democratic country. 

Today the people of Quebec is faced with a choice: either our slow assimilation into anglo-American imperialist culture, becoming complicit with imperialism, or national and social liberation. The communist party of Québec has chosen its path. We are the inheritors of the revolutionary past of our people. 

The working masses and youth of Québec are growing discontent with the hardships of capitalism. Our party will lead the struggle among them, to organize them and to make them realize that our brothers are not the Canadian capitalists, nor are they the wall street bankers. Our brothers are in Africa and Latin America, fighting for the resources that the Canadian mining companies are stealing from them. Our brothers are in Donbass, fighting Ukrainian neo-nazis that were trained by Canadian armed forces. Our brothers are in Korea, where the Canadian government sent 23 thousand troops to help the Yankee imperialists in their war of agression against the heroic Korean people in the 50s. Our brothers are in Palestine, resisting against genocide by the fascist zionist state of so-called Israel that has the backing of the USA and Canada. 

Québec is at the heart of North American territory, it occupies a place of privilege to strike a fatal blow to imperialism by fracturing one of the main partner and neighbor of the United-States. It is our revolutionary responsibility to lead our national liberation struggle to victory, to complete independence and socialism.


Vive le marxisme-léninisme !

Vive la résistance palestinienne !

Vive la libération africaine et Latino-Américaine !

Vive la réunification de la Corée !

Vive le Québec libre !