The anti-imperialist battle of Russia in Ukraine, it’s back round and the dirty role of the West 

Michael Tzimis | Socialist Platform of Georgia

Dear Comrades,

I would like to thank you for inviting me to this event and giving me the opportunity to analyse the going situation in Ukraine, in Caucasus and in the post Soviet region in General.

We, the communists of Georgia and the workers of our country knew in practice that, with the collapse of our great country of the USSR, the succession in every aspect of the former socialist Georgia also collapsed.

Within 32 years, Georgia lost all the conquests and all the achievements it had achieved under socialism. But the worst thing is that Georgia was first thrown into a civil war led by Far Right anti-communist pro-Americans who later dragged Georgia into a full-scale war against our big neighbor Russia in 2008 by the guidance of the White House, exactly in the same way as it is happening now, only in a different country, in Ukraine, which is under the regime of an American-backed Junta.

Georgia, today is a devastated country where, about the 22% of the population left the country to migrate overseas for a better life, and those who live in Georgia live below the poverty line. Georgia was an industrial and agricultural country during the years of socialism and Soviet power which today has transformed into a country of wild primitive capitalism. Today, Georgia is reaching out to the whole world and asking for help.

Seeing the tragedy of our country, the communists of Georgia are fighting for the return of power to the people, the reconstruction of socialism and the great Soviet Union on a new basis.

We believe that we will achieve our goal by fighting in unity with all the communists of all the countries, and we believe that with the new cooperation of the peoples, with the renewal of the friendship (cooperation―s. m.) of the Soviet people, Georgia will truly be a sovereign state again. In the struggle for socialism, the solidarity of communists and all workers of the world is essential. Comrades, the World is in a dire economic and geopolitical situation.

The Great October Socialist Revolution played a decisive role in the history of the 20th century as it opened and led the historical era of our newest history, it managed the revolutionary transformation of humanity from capitalism to Socialism. It had a significant impact on the course of world history and determined the destiny of many nations. Social benefits based on the ideals of equality, peace and harmony and of multiculturalism, formed in the USSR, are still appreciated to this day. The USSR achieved a lot in manufacturing, agriculture, energy and space, and laid the foundation for many industries and new research directions. The achievements of the Soviet Union in the fields of culture and sports have become the heritage of humanity and brought the country world fame.

Today we can see the labor exploits of the Soviet era, the scientific discoveries and the heroism of Soviet soldiers. Sadly, humanity has forgotten the achievements of those who stood up and fought for sacred values such as justice, hard work and equality.

The development of this pivotal era is going through a fierce class struggle between social-political forces of Socialist revolution and imperialist counter revolution internationally and on domestic levels of the countries. Ability to live for modern humanity, overall progress, civilizational and cultural growth, are tightly connected to rightful strengthening of socialism on planet earth. Capitalism, that reached its existing highest stage, is obsessed with deepening global crisis. Capitalism has to take a step back in favor of Socialism, though it will not surrender its social structure of peoples’ lives without resistance.

As we discuss the crises and their solutions today, close to us a brutal conflict is raging between Israel and Palestine, which has been going on for decades. Sides of this conflict must sit down to a negotiating table and end this conflict in a peaceful manner. Also, to find a way of ending this conflict, we must turn to the UN sec. Council decision about creating a sovereign Palestinian state. The US administration plays extremely negative role in this process as it isn’t willing to compromise. Instead, US always was a side in this conflict, and even now it has sent destructive weapons to the region. There is no another way to regulate this conflict except by a Peaceful pathway!

On the other hand we have also an ongoing conflict in our region, and I am talking about the Special Operation of the Russian Federation in Ukraine. It is a topic not so simple, so let’s start from the beginning. When Nazi Germany attacked the USSR, some far-right fascist groups led by Stepan Bandera, a Ukrainian pro-Nazi, sabotaged and fought against our partisans and the Soviet army and even collaborated with them while they occupied Ukraine and Belarus. Since 2014 and even earlier, the American embassy in Kiev has been playing a dirty game, the main goal of which was to overthrow the government and bring to power the political offspring of the same fascist Ukrainians who collaborated with Nazi Germany. We saw marches glorifying Bandera, and militias marching under the slogans “Kill Muscovites, death to communists.” I would also like to remind you of the burning of the Trade Union Building and the death of 48 people as they expressed their solidarity with the Greek neo-Nazi terrorist organization Golden Dawn. Once they achieved their goal and overthrew the elected government they came to power, their first steps were to terrorize and eliminate every opposition, and not only that, every ethnic minority, not only the Russians who are the majority in the eastern part of Ukraine, but also the Greeks and Crimean Tatars. Back in 2014, a referendum was held in Crimea, in which its population decided to reunite with Russia, since Crimea was donated to the Ukrainian SSR by Nikita Khrushchev, and in accordance with the principle of self-determination of the peoples, the Lugansk and Donetsk regions declared their independence from Ukraine to avoid terror and statements accused by the Kyiv regime. Between September 2014 and February 2015, the Russian Federation, Ukraine, France and Germany signed several versions of the so-called Minsk Agreement to stop the fighting, but unfortunately the agreements were never implemented by the Kiev regime, resulting in more than 14,000 people lost their rights. life.

Since the republics broke away from Ukraine in 2014, the government in Kyiv has waged a brutal war against the republics’ residents and ignored agreements requiring recognition of their autonomy―the Minsk Protocols. Therefore, we admire and support the courage and determination of the Russian Federation to support the just struggle for freedom of the peoples of the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics and join them to the Russian Federation, just as we support the just struggle for freedom. -Nazification and liberation of Ukraine from the regime of American-controlled Nazi murderers. We express our solidarity with the civilian population of these regions, who welcomed the appearance of the armed forces of the Russian Federation with joy, flowers and music, but I am sure that you did not see these scenes, since the media is controlled by the West. Recently the security services of Georgia published undisputed proofs that Kiev regime is attempting to destabilise the situation in Georgia, by organizing a pro-fascistic coup. For years, serious terrorist millitary forces and political platforms have been readied in Ukraine, the plague, formed particularly for Georgia.

If this happens, we will get a fascist Georgia, with crushed workers, tens of thousands of prisoners, hundreds of physically liquidated leftists and progressive thinkers and actors. We have already gone through this back in 2003-2012 under the regime of Saakashvili. Believe us, about this we also talk with deep knowledge of the case and concrete facts.

So, the only real force that blocks the Ukrainian spreading of fascism on its way to swallow post-Soviet countries is Russia. Our days Russia might follows a capitalist pathway, but today is saving all the post soviet people from ethnic and religious conflicts, saves them from full absorbtion by the most dangerous American imperialism and saves the leftist and progressive forces from destruction. We are even sure, that holding a neutral position towards the situation in Ukraine, and condemning the actions of Russia automatically means supporting Kievian Fascism and inevitable Fascistisation of post-Soviet countries and it’s peoples.

Since some American officials admit that they will fight Russia to the last Ukrainian, their target is not only Russia or Ukraine, but also Europe. The United States insists on tough sanctions against the Russian Federation, habitually justifying itself by the fact that Russia is a terrorist state and the so-called “humanitarian aid to Ukraine.” Economic competitor is the European Union. Since the United States has an extremely low level of trade with Russia, Europe has favorable trade and economic ties with Russia. The conflict with Russia allows Washington to push European countries towards new, economically destructive sanctions.

The task of the US imperialists is not to protect Ukraine, but to get out of the acute crisis of capitalism. Russia is finally moving away from the harmful idolatry of the West, and the time has come to show its mettle in the Donbass. The Russian Federation is surrounded by a chain of unfriendly states, and it is impossible to retreat further. The West must sense Russia’s determination to defend itself and its friends. Our goal as communists is to crush fascism, just as our political forefathers did in 1945. which is as fact cannot be falsified or erased from people’s memory, in which the great leader was the Georgian Soviet leader Joseph Stalin who expressed and served the interests of millions of the working class and the peasantry. The gigantic contribution of the Soviet Union to the victory over Fascist Germany and its allies was achieved thanks to Soviet workers’ power, the advantages offered by the socialization of the means of production and the central planning of the economy, the leading role of people led by the working class, in the role of the communist party as a revolutionary labor vanguard. Stalin appears as a criminal personality, anti-communism has Stalin as its main point because during the period when he was the leader of the CPSU, the total abolition of capitalist relations of production took place, with the abolition of the exploitation of wage labor, the foundations for the new social system, with various ridiculous arguments they try to tarnish the labor struggle that defended socialism especially at that time against the undermining done by the capitalists and their supporters.

What the European Union, America and the West generally call the crimes of socialism as totalitarianism and Stalinism is that for the first time in history the working class took power from the bourgeoisie, socialized big business, organized the collectivization of agricultural production, defended popular power, socialism, punished the fascists and their collaborators and defended the people’s bread held by the rich bourgeois, the kulaks.

It is our moral duty to stand on the right side of history and not even think that we are making things bigger than they really are, as I would like to remind you. As Comrade Stalin said, “Fascism is not only a military-technical category. Fascism is a militant organization of the bourgeoisie, based on the active support of social democracy. Social democracy is objectively the moderate wing of fascism.” Everyone has the same boss, and it is our duty to stand up for the truth.