Mobilising the working class of the ruling countries against imperialism

Miguel Ángel | Unión Proletaria (Spain)

At present, most of those who reject imperialism do not do so from proletarian or socialist positions. Strictly speaking, what they are questioning is the abusive behaviour of certain powers, according to the dictionary definition. It is this limited understanding that allows the real imperialists to confuse, divide and weaken the peoples, especially in the dominant countries. For example, many people in solidarity with Palestine do not support Russia’s military action against the puppet regime in Kiev or the struggle of China and Korea for their reunification because they think that these countries are also imperialist. They do not understand imperialism in all its geographical and historical manifestations and therefore in its class roots. 

Clarifying this question is essential to develop a force that will defeat the imperialists and put an end to imperialism for good. 

The essence of contemporary imperialism 

Phenomena such as invasion, domination, oppression and exploitation of one country by another have existed throughout history. But their causes and consequences were very different from one time to another because their essence was also different: before capitalism, territorial property, which is the primary form of private property, was coveted. Already in the epoch of the flowering of capitalism, the most advanced country, England, was imperialist in that it exploited its colonies and their workers. It was therefore outwardly imperialist, but not inwardly imperialist, where freedom and equality based on fully realised private property reigned. It even had some monopolies engendered by the mercantile regime, but these did not dominate the market as a whole. 

Contemporary imperialism born at the confluence of the 19th and 20th centuries is the necessary result of the development of the capitalist regime of production which turns free market competition into its opposite: i.e. the domination of all economic branches operating in the national market by a few monopolistic enterprises. This results in an enormous surplus of capital forced to seek profitability in countries where capital, wages, land and raw material prices are lower. The domination, oppression and exploitation of a majority of countries by a few is the inevitable consequence of the domination of the bourgeois monopolies within the older and more developed capitalist countries. This is the essence of imperialism today. 

Therefore, imperialism can only be completely eradicated through the revolutionary struggle of the proletariat to destroy the capitalist relations of production and build socialism. 

The anti-imperialist alliance and the working class 

This is not to say that the working class is the only class that needs to fight imperialism. At the present moment, in addition to the dominant proletariat in China, Korea, Cuba and other socialist countries, it is the dominant non-comprador bourgeoisies in Russia, Iran and other states that are in the front line fighting the imperialist powers. They are helping to weaken and destabilise these main pillars of capitalism and reaction on an international scale. The first duty of class-conscious proletarians is to support and strengthen the struggle waged by these bourgeois forces against the imperialists. They are our allies for the main task of the moment:both from an objective point of view, because their economic, political and military strengthening undermines the parasitic source of power of the imperialist bourgeoisies;and from the subjective point of view, because they defend democracy with their demand for a ‘multipolar world’ against the ‘unipolar’ submission to the United States and its allies. 

For our alliance with the sovereign forces of the world become from necessary to real, we must develop a force of opposition to imperialism in the rear of imperialism. And it will only be a real force if it unites a section of the population, neutralises the undecided and isolates the recalcitrant imperialist minority. It is not enough to bring together those who repudiate imperialism, not out of their own material necessity, but out of solidarity with other peoples. 

We must bring together those who are also oppressed by their own imperialist bourgeoisie: firstly, the proletarian majority and, secondly, the minority of small landowners. 

To do this, we must refute the ideas that hinder the rapprochement between the anti-imperialist movement and the working masses who are still ignorant of their class interests. 

These pernicious ideas stem not only from ignorance, intellectual dullness or inexperience, but also from the antagonisms of the capitalist society in which we live. 

The majority of people with misconceptions are not aware of their class character, but this does not mean that they do not correspond to the interests of the bourgeoisie or to the illusions and contradictions of the intermediate social strata. The necessary pedagogical generosity towards these comrades should not prevent us from revealing which class the ideas that harm the anti-imperialist cause serve. 

This class characterisation of ideas is necessary to develop consciousness of their fundamental interests, both among the proletarians and among their bourgeois and petty-bourgeois allies. 

This ideological demarcation and framing is indispensable to forge the class alliance that sustains the anti-imperialist movement. 

In the ruling countries, if we do not fight for the political independence of the proletariat, our contribution to the international struggle against the imperialists will be limited to spontaneous protests incapable of shaking their power. 

Clarifying to the working class why it is interested in fighting imperialism 

How can we bring the workers closer to the anti-imperialist movement? 

Firstly, by revealing the exploitation and oppression of the workers and dependent peoples by the imperialists. 

Secondly, by refuting the slander suffered by the forces opposed to imperialism, especially when it comes from supposed supporters of the working class, revolution and socialism:whether they are social democrats, trotskyists, adherents of the theory of the ‘imperialist pyramid’ and other opportunists, revisionists and sectarians. 

Thirdly, by avoiding total and blind followerism towards the bourgeois forces fighting the imperialists today, because it favours a passive and expectant attitude in the proletarians, instead of helping them to take up their interests as a class. In this sense, 

• We must refrain from promoting the reactionary part of the ideological and political positions of our allies, and we must even criticise it dialectically. 

• We must relativise the validity of peaceful and legal forms and claim the revolutionary point of view to bring the oppressed masses into action. 

• We must support the class struggle of the workers and other exploited people also against the national bourgeoisies confronting imperialism. 

• We must explain the irresistible tendency of all capitalist development to monopolism and thus to imperialism, defending the necessity of socialism in all countries. 

Fourthly and finally, the decisive condition for the workers to join the anti-imperialist movement is that we regain full confidence in the majority of the workers and go out to meet them where they are in order to meet their immediate needs. 

Mass Tactics in the Imperialist Countries 

The lack of confidence in the proletarians of the imperialist countries is due to the fact that they spontaneously show little solidarity with the oppressed in other countries. This feeling reinforces petty-bourgeois positions in the anti-imperialist movement:First, questioning the class identity common to all proletarians, their fundamental difference from the intermediate classes and social strata, as well as their ability to unite them against 

monopoly and finance capital;Second, to deny the necessity for the working class to lead the international struggle against imperialism, as a condition for defeating and eradicating this social regime; And thirdly, to consider the majority of the proletariat of the imperialist countries as labour aristocracy, ignoring Lenin’s criterion that it cannot be calculated in advance how much of the proletariat will move to the imperialist camp, except that it will be a minority. 

Instead of going to the working masses to free them from bourgeois influence, they blame them for the weakness that our class has carried with it ever since many communist parties renounced the revolutionary principles of Marxism-Leninism. They argue that revisionism was fatally and inevitably imposed due to objective circumstances such as the changes in imperialism after the Second World War. However, the decisive factor that tipped the balance of forces within the communist parties of the capitalist countries in their favour was exogenous. It happened in the 1950s, within their international stronghold, the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. And it was not due to the new conditions of capitalist society, but to the result of the class struggle in the first socialist society. 

Now, the worsening structural crisis of capitalism, the growing conflict between the national bourgeoisies and the flexible resistance of the socialist countries offer us better objective conditions. But there are no shortcuts or miracle solutions: the decades-long absence of mass communist parties must be filled politically. We cannot leap over this imperative, however much events are rushing ahead at breakneck speed. 

We must address the industrial proletariat and the most oppressed. We must spread agitation for the most backward and propaganda for the most advanced. We must organize the most advanced in the party with the mission of solidly linking up with the most backward. We must determine the tasks by the strategic objective and, in contrast, the forms of struggle, organisation and slogans must be determined according to what is acceptable at any given moment for the broadest masses: as Marx explained, suaviter in modo, fortiter in re or, in other words, flexibility in tactics and firmness in strategy. As soon as possible, we must bring the communist organisations together to draw up and implement jointly an action plan centred on the all-out fight against imperialism. And you must rely on the best international initiative: the World Anti-Imperialist Platform.