“NATO is a political-industrial creation of the armaments conglomerate”

Edmundo Albornoz | Communist Party of Ecuador

Good afternoon comrades!

I have been asked to intervene here on the subject of NATO in Latin America and the world.

It is clear that it is an impossible mission to do in 10 minutes because NATO has so many charges of genocides that historians need many pages to describe them. In addition, some colleagues have already referred in their contributions on some topics here.

However, a few small reflections. NATO was not born as a peace body in the face of the threat of Soviet expansion. NATO is a political-industrial creation of the armaments conglomerate, where capital is combined to demand productivity for every dollar invested. 

At the end of World War II, the victorious countries of Nazism agreed on the new European political map. The Red Army with Stalin at its head, partisans and democrats in Europe, freely formed their governments. With the creation of NATO in 1949, the Soviet Union and other socialist countries signed the Warsaw Pact six years later. 

The Cold War had already begun and the Soviets were involved in an arms race. The era of transatlantic atomic missiles began. 

Today, it is estimated that world military expenditures are on their way to record figures of a thousand billion billion or trillion trillion dollars. In the state of Israel alone, there are more than 150 active military companies with large revenues. But logically, the US leads among the producing countries. There is Lockheed Martin, RTX or Raytheon, Technologies Northon, Boeing, BAE systems (UK), etc., with enormous capital from Blackrock, Crowdstrike Holdings, Rothschild, Soros, J.P. Morgan, etc.

It is a global military commercial business, which includes the Armed Forces of the countries, manufacturers, designers of technology and military equipment. The industry is dedicated to research and development, production and service of materials, and maintenance. Defense contractor companies or military industries. Corporations that produce special weapons designed for different countries. Governments are also involved in the arms, equipment, uniforms, ammunition, logistics, vehicles-aircraft-ships and electronic warfare systems industries. They run research, innovation and development projects including now artificial intelligence. 

It is clear that they also provoke wars for the sales of their products! Because otherwise it’s not business!

So we have Victoria Nuland during her stay in Ukraine from 2012-2020; she spent 5 billion dollars to support, organize, and arm the corrupt opposition against the democratically elected government of Victor Yanukovych and create the Euromaidan. This has led to the fact that we now have Zelenski, who at the end of his term stayed in power without calling for new elections. Getting richer, he and his government clique, with the money of the taxpayers of Europe and the USA.

But nothing happens! That’s western democracy!

Thank you very much!