“We will continue fighting until we finally see the disappearance of NATO” 

Luis Flores | Popular Socialist Party of Mexico

Hello, my name is Luis Flores, from Jovenes Por el Socialism (Youth of the Popular Socialist Party of Mexico) in Mexicio City and I share our analysis of NATO. In 1948, the organization of an Atlantic treaty known here in Latin America as NATO by its Spanish acronym OTAN was created North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Made up of Western European countries, mainly the United States and America, it has been dedicated since 1948 to the present to the general instability in countries that are not aligned with NATO. What you notice is that they have then dedicated themselves to planning coups d’état, to planning crises, political-economic crises and above all, the invasion of territories in Africa, Asia, and Latin America; NATO is involved in dealing blows against democratically constituted governments that have ensured the benefit of the peoples, that this NATO organization has dedicated itself to generating international terrorism with the purpose and has mentioned of disabling governments, which are not related to the interests of the group that makes up the elite countries of NATO and have also dedicated themselves for the puppet governments that they maintain in other countries to adhere to it. With the pretext that they are (countries) going integrate to be members of NATO but that in the end the only thing they are going to have is to become servants and cannon fodder, such as the United States, England, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, among other countries that are believed to be symbols of NATO are governments that have carried out authoritarian conservative right-wing practices and that are reflected, for example, with the government of Iván Duque in Colombia and now with the government of Milei in Argentina, for example, the Ukraine war arose because the President Zelensky, wanted Ukraine to be integrated (into NATO). In the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, as we have seen, the organization has dedicated itself to expanding terrorism to all countries in the world to continue maintaining hegemony and imperialist capitalist hegemony that oppresses the people and extracts their resources, natural energy, and also human resources, generating the great migrations that have been caused by these political-economic crises in countries that have been directly affected by NATO imperialism. Therefore also in different economic dissections that have been persecuted and judicial policies, such as, very characteristic within this one practice defeating that’s why all the people of the world are gains this organization, because it terrorizes all families and all peoples of the world. We are against the North Atlantic Treaty Organization because it is only dedicated to making war and oppressing people; those interests are its objective, and that is why they have financed wars. That’s why they provoke wars, that’s why they maintain a merchandising arms market, and so on. Not only does it inject weapons into the countries’ militaries, but also into groups from drug trafficking to organized crime groups. NATO countries have dedicated themselves to all this, and that is why we, the organized people, the people of the world, are against this organization and continue to get involved in our towns; that is why I send greetings from the Jovenes por el Socialismo in Mexico. We walk the same path against NATO.

Greetings to the Party of Communists USA, in anti-imperialist and anti-NATO solidarity. All of the people wish to be free. We want to have sovereignty and the decision of our own course, without the intervention of other countries and other powers. To this point, there are always comrades and we will continue fighting until we finally see the disappearance of NATO.