Let us rally our forces in the struggle against imperialism and war

Dmitry Novikov | Communist Party of the Russian Federation

Dear comrades!

On behalf of my fellow Russian Communists, I welcome all participants in the anti-imperialist solidarity action, who are speaking out these days against the growing military threat. Your active actions in opposition to the summit of the aggressive NATO bloc in Washington are important for uniting progressive forces in the struggle against imperialism and war. 

The bitter truth of our time is that humanity has entered a period of upheaval. The crisis of capitalism is once again worsening. It is happening right before our eyes―rapidly and steadily. In the first half of the twentieth century, two phases of the worsening crisis of capitalism led to two world wars and millions of human casualties. In the second half of the century, the successes of socialism protected our planet from a third world war. However, at the end of the last century, the temporary defeats of the communist movement strengthened and emboldened a decrepit capitalism. There was a strengthening of imperialist circles. This naturally ensured the growth of political reaction and the threat of a new world war. 

All 30 years after the destruction of the USSR, the policy of the imperialists of the West became more and more cynical and immoral. Capital responded to the profound socio-economic crisis by curtailing democratic norms. There is a widespread attack on the rights of the working class. Far-right movements are gaining strength. The ideology and practice of neo-Nazism once again receives the patronage of oligarchic circles. In a number of countries the justification and even glorification of Nazism has reached the level of state policy. The history of the Second World War is being rewritten. Monuments to anti-fascists are being dismantled. The results of the Nuremberg trials of Nazi criminals are ignored. 

We cannot regard all this as an accident. Back in March 1918, at the VII Congress of the RCP(b), Vladimir Lenin spoke of the advent of a whole era of “the most diverse wars”. The Bolshevik leader emphasized: “This era―the era of gigantic collapses, massive military violent decisions, crises―it has begun, we see it clearly”.

Yes! Lenin was certainly right. This epoch of crises, wars and violence continues today. We see it clearly. 

The governments of the imperialist states are actively using the NATO military-police machine as their main cudgel. The actions of the NATO members are more and more dangerous, frankly bandit and criminal in nature. The question of unity of all progressive, anti-war, anti-imperialist, anti-imperialist, anti-fascist forces is becoming more and more acute. 

The political line of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation is based on the struggle against imperialist reaction and for the socialist transformation of society. In May of this year our party held a fundamentally important plenum of the CPRF Central Committee. Chairman of the Central Committee Gennady Zyuganov made a report at it: “On the tasks of uniting anti-fascist forces in the struggle against imperialism, reaction and the military threat”. One of Zyuganov’s conclusions is as follows: in the twenties of this century capitalism is as “pregnant” with fascism as it was in the twenties of the last century. 

Dear comrades! The right-wing threat in today’s world is growing rapidly. To defeat Nazism, we must see clearly where it sprouts from. Fascism grew directly out of the thirst of big capital to retain power in the face of the advent of socialism. The price of those historical events is known. Hitler and Mussolini were transformed from marginalized to the leaders of the destinies of hundreds of millions of people. The gates of Buchenwald, Dachau, Sobibor, Majdanek, Auschwitz were opened. Inhuman extermination of Russians, Belarusians, Ukrainians with the prospect of extermination and enslavement of all peoples of the Soviet Union, peoples of the whole world began.

For almost a hundred years the apologists of capitalism have been trying to confuse the issue of fascism. They declare Nazism to be merely a temporary anomaly. They talk about a certain kinship of “totalitarian regimes”, equate fascism and socialism, Hitler’s Germany and Stalin’s USSR. In response, we, the Communists, carry our own truth. And we insist: Fascism is the natural generation of big capital. This is a key fact. Georgi Dimitrov was right: “Fascism is the open terrorist dictatorship of the most reactionary, the most chauvinistic and the most imperialist elements of finance capital”.

Historical experience has proven that only the masses of workers, led by communists, can block the path of fascism and defeat it. The most important direction of the CPRF’s efforts today is to unite the anti-fascist forces in the struggle against imperialism, reaction and the military threat.

We thank the representatives of all communist and workers’ parties who responded to our call and took part in the First Anti-Fascist Forum in Minsk last year, on April 22, the birthday of Vladimir Lenin. At present the CPRF together with the Communist Party of Belarus is starting to prepare the second Anti-Fascist Forum. We will be glad to see our like-minded people in September in Minsk to stand together against imperialism, incitement of a new world war, for socialism.

Dear friends! Comrades! We are all united by our hatred of fascism and war, which capitalism inevitably breeds. The readiness to devote our lives to the cause of socialist reorganization of society is what distinguishes the supporters of honest labor and social progress. 

In these days we―Russian communists―are together with you in our common anti-imperialist struggle, in the struggle against the threat of a new world war, against the evil adventurism of the NATO leaders. 

Peoples have the right to justice! 

Peoples have the right to socialism! 

Together let us do everything to unite people of good will! 

Let us be united in the struggle for the interests of the working people!

No to war! 

iNo pasar`an! 

Socialism will win!