“This 75th anniversary NATO Summit is a grand plan to showcase U.S. and Western imperialist dominance” 

Sara Flounders | Workers World Party

World War 3 is beginning. This week here in Washington DC is a NATO War Summit.

The lines are being brutally drawn by US Imperialism. The demand is that every country must comply. If not, they face coups, assassinations, strangling sanctions, economic destabilization. Both U.S. imperialist political parties―Democrats and Republican are in full agreement on this fundamental point. 

The G7 has fallen into line, against their own economic interests. More and more of their budgets will be spent on buying US/NATO weapons, while drastically cutting social budgets. For survival this will arouse the workers movements and also as protection from the workers anger the capitalists in every country will finance and promote an extreme fascist threat.

The European Union was forced, by US pressure, to impose sanctions on Russia, cutting off their own access to cheap oil, gas, fertilizers, wheat and other raw materials. 

All of the EU countries were forced to abandon their profitable investments in Russia.

Their economies are sinking.

China, now a powerhouse, with socially planned production, has long refused to bow down to these U.S. sanctions. This is why NATO has declared China to be its greatest threat, the target of new bases in the Asia Pacific—in the Philippines, South Korea, Japan and Taiwan and new military alliances interwoven with NATO.  

The lines are being drawn.  

China’s Belt and Road Initiative has 155 countries signed up, representing 75 per cent of the globe’s populations. China is the top trading partner for 120 countries. It trades more with the Global South than the US, Japan and the EU combined.

Across Asia there is expanding cooperation, trade and exchanges. Consider the SCO―the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, with 11 states and 14 dialogue partners including Türkiye. and the ECO―the Economic Cooperation Organization of 10 Central Asian countries. The economies and trading potential of the BRICS+ exceeds the U.S. and soon the G7.

The European Union is being pressured to impose tariffs of 30 and 50% on Chinese electric cars and other equipment, while severing purchases of far cheaper and superior equipment, from electronics andmicroprocessors to solar panels for cheap energy. They are dutifully slashing scientific exchanges that could liberate the world and boast their own economies.

However, many other countries, Formerly colonized countries of the Global South, desperate to preserve some hard-fought sovereignty, are searching for options, new alliances

Previously the West has projected its economic power and military dominance across the globe. The imperialist countries, with the U.S. in the lead, intellectually dominated the atomic and computer knowledge and dominated the media and culture. For more than 75 years―there was the ever-expanding NATO military alliance, the G7 counties, the European Union, the World Bank, the IMF and even the United Nations, its many agencies and arms. This was arrogantly taken for granted.

Now on the Military Front even NATO is unraveling.

Front lines are collapsing for the Ukrainian army, whole units surrendering. Top commanders are fired. Faced with complete disarray of the U.S.-NATO instigated war in Ukraine, U.S. militarists are doubling down. 

According to the Ukrainian constitution, President Volodymir Zelensky’s term in office is over. But he remains in power by martial law. This has led Ukrainian workers to hold strikes and work stoppages. But this news, even of a national truckers’ work slowdown and halted grain exports inside Ukraine are ignored in the Western media.

Ukraine’s combat units are so severely understaffed that the government would have to triple its mobilization in order to continue the current level of fighting, The expanded draft mobilization can’t fill the current gap, nor can even kidnapping men off the streets.

U.S. imperialism is publicly failing on two fronts

U.S. efforts to dismember Russia have utterly failed.

Economic sanctions, price caps, the protracted war on Russia’s border and tens of billions of dollars, along with hundreds of U.S. and other NATO member troops sent as trainers, plus mercenary contractors can’t hold the corrupt Ukrainian military machine together. 

At the same time, on the world stage, the one strategic ally of U.S. imperialism in Western Asia, the Zionist state of Israel, has utterly failed in its genocidal war on Gaza. 

The cost to the Palestinian people is horrific. But overwhelming force has failed, failed to crush the resistance or even find its unified leadership.

The Zionist and their imperialist backers and collaborators couldn’t imagine that they couldn’t overwhelm and totally destroy the Palestinian movement.

How is it possible to hold out?

2 million people vs monstrous Zionist war machine, backed by the U.S. colossus?

In Israel total demoralization is setting in. Thousands of Israelis are fleeing this Zionist horror show, over 900 reservists have filed conscientious resister status. Hundreds of thousands are in the streets demanding Netanyahu resignation. 

The ports are closed by Ansarallah in Yemen’s determined blockade.

The north is in flames from Hezbollah rockets resistance. Tens of thousands of settlers are evacuated and angry. 

Using the most creative science and low tech engineering the resistance in Gaza, also in Yemen and in Lebanon and now in Iraq are fashioning their own weapons out of an endless supply of Israeli duds.

Their drones and missiles are no match for the monstrosities the U.S. provides.

But they have opened new resistance fronts.

Will there be an expanded war into Lebanon? Hezbollah sent to the Israeli military command and then publicized it to the world video images, taken by a small drone. It including the exact coordinates, pinpointing Israel’s Iron Dome Batteries and strategic facilities that can paralyze entire cities. 

The setbacks against their effort to unravel Russia and against small occupied Palestine mean that U.S. political dominance is being challenged in fundamental ways. 

U.S. strategy toward Russia aimed to partition and dismember the country, destabilize the border and block China’s Belt and Road development plans in Central Asia.

U.S. strategists considered all these steps crucial in preventing People’s China from surpassing the U.S. economically. The opposite has happened. What imperialist strategists have warned about for decades and sought to prevent is now the reality. 

China and Russia’s relations of intense cooperation and a merge of common interests is unfolding steadily. This was further cemented during the very warm state meeting between China’s President Xi Jin-Ping and Russia’s President Vladimir Putin on May 16. President Putin’s state visit with North Korean President of Kim Jong Un formed a military alliance for protection and a new level of exchange for both.

That means U.S.-NATO plans are in total disarray. Rather than reconsider their strategy, which has brought setbacks and defeats in Ukraine and for Israel in Gaza, and hatred on a world scale there is an ominous escalation in U.S. military threats. 

The war in Ukraine is escalating. US Supplied high-speed missiles allow strikes deep inside Russia. 

The British government has now supplied its long-range Storm Shadow missile systems for attacks anywhere in Russia. Now France and Germany are matching the escalation.

This month Ukrainian drones targeted a second long-range military radar site deep inside Russia, Internationally, many voices are sounded the alarm. Such attacks are of the most extreme danger, because the slightest targeting slip up, a misinterpretation of instructions, a rogue operator on the ground, could lead to a global conflagration. These attacks require a satellite-based military network that only U.S. and NATO forces under U.S. command are capable of conducting. 

Russian General Ivan Timofeev warned: “NATO is spending ten times as much as Russia―if not more―on defense. It’s certainly a dangerous scenario.” 

However enormous expenditures are not sufficient to save the Ukrainian government, built on a U.S. orchestrated coup in 2014, from total collapse. 

Nor is the largest amount of weapons and funds, $26 billion, ever provided to Israel capable of changing the unraveling of Zionism.

This 75th anniversary NATO Summit is a grand plan to showcase U.S. and Western imperialist dominance.

NATO planned to unveil a “Security Package” for Ukraine involving 32 countries’ bilateral agreements with Ukraine. These bilateral agreements would serve as a bridge for Ukraine’s entry into NATO. 

Divisions appear inside NATO

Divisions within the U.S. commanded and dominated NATO military alliance are appearing. Frustration and failure are intensifying the infighting even among members of the G7 and major NATO participants. 

Many NATO countries’ leaders, reacting to mass workers pressure from below, have already sharply expressed opposition to U.S.support of Israel’s genocidal campaign against Palestine.

Rather than reassess their deteriorating global position, U.S. strategists seem determined to put the fate of the world at risk.

Is our situation Hopeless? Are we just spectators of this potential conflagration?

As Palestine has shown the world: determined, conscious political resistance and unity are powerful weapons

For almost all past human history great majority of human population, except for the rulers, had no concept of the world past their own village, or across the river.

The world NOW is intensely connected. That has changed consciousness. There is a Global earthquake in potential of the formerly colonized world to develop, with new allies, especially China. 

There is hope in the 40 sanctioned countries that they can break out of their strangling U.S. imposed isolation.

These changes impact the class struggle. Millions of people, including here in the West, are able to grasp: “It does not have to be this way.”

This is why millions of people around the world are mobilizing in mass actions, shut down, strikes to defend Palestine.

The combative spirit in Gaza is changing morale, impacting the political mood.

The port gates in Genoa, Italy’s most important port, were SHUT by mass demonstrations this week.

Thousands succeeded in causing real damage to the bosses directly responsible for supporting Israel’s genocidal apparatus, to the owners of the ships that transport death between Genoa and the ports of Haifa and Ashdod, to the terminal owners who called for and supported Italian military intervention in the Red Sea.

Their message was ‘the enemy is at home’, ‘the war starts here’

Imperialism today survives, as have every ruling class in history, only so long as it can demoralize and divide its opponents. It uses sheer terror, horrific examples of their power and dominance, to convince millions that there is NO alternative.

Our voice must be a combative voice. A bold voice that asserts we side with the oppressed. We side with and defend their resistance. 

The U.S. plan is for WAR, not development.

This is a deadly threat. The great majority of humanity stands against them and is refusing to back down.

We should be confident. Weapons alone are not decisive. The working class globally is entering the stage and in many different ways.

We should continue to defend every form of RESISTANCE that revolutionary forces around the world are developing.

UNITY and RESISTANCE changes everything―mass organized RESISTANCE

It is a NEW DAY!

Embrace the CHANGES―The old World is Dying!