Statement of World Anti-imperialist Joint Struggle in Washington DC: Let us bring an end to imperialism with the global anti-imperialist struggle and achieve independence and peace!

NATO summit will be held in Washington, DC, from July 9 to 11. The main agendas will be the war in Ukraine, “deterrence” and “defense” of NATO, and intensifying cooperation between AP4 (Asia-Pacific partners) countries, which include Japan, “The Republic of Korea (ROK),” Australia, and New Zealand. The US State Department, addressing the agenda on the war in Ukraine, blatantly expressed its plot to prolong the war by saying, “Ukraine should be in a position to continue this fight into 2025.” Meanwhile, the Biden administration mobilized all US allies in West Asia (Middle East), including not only Israel but also Egypt, Jordan, Qatar, Tunisia, and the United Arab Emirates, for this meeting. Experts have mentioned that creating a Middle East version of NATO has been a long-held ambition of successive US administrations. A series of facts demonstrates that this NATO summit is a plotting meeting for World War 3.

NATO is expanding its reach to the Indo-Pacific region. The NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg spouted sophistry regarding China-Russia cooperation, stating, “China is inciting the largest military conflict in Europe since World War II.”, and regarding NATO-AP4 collusion, he said, “Our security is not regional, it is global.” The US State Department recklessly remarked that both Japan and the “ROK” have been very good partners in addressing the threat posed by Russia, and that the security concerns faced in the Indo-Pacific are very similar to those that are faced in NATO’s Article 5 territory. The USA, Japan, and the “ROK” agreed on the content corresponding to Article 5 of the NATO treaty‘s concept of collective security at the Camp David summit in August 2023 and decided to conduct regular multi-domain joint military exercises, which are similar to NATO military exercises. As NATO’s expansion to the East provoked the Ukraine War, the “Indo-Pacificization of NATO” is causing the opening of the war in East Asia.

The war is imminent in East Asia, and the fronts are expanding in both Eastern Europe and West Asia. The US imperialist aggressive forces are utilizing pro-US fascist power in the “ROK” as their proxy for the war in the “ROK”, and conducting war exercises against DPRK day after day, while manipulating pro-US warmongering forces in the Philippines and separatist forces in Taiwan to carry out aggressive military exercises against China, and moving Japanese militarism forces as a strike group for the war in East Asia. From January to May, the USA and NATO conducted large-scale invasion exercises near Russia and recently allowed their homeland-supplied weapons to strike Russia. The Ukrainian neo-Nazi military fired US-made ATACMS missiles with prohibited cluster bombs at Sevastopol and massacred civilians, instigating the war in Eastern Europe. Zionist Israel, which slaughtered over 40,000 Palestinians, is fanatically expanding the war in West Asia by bombing the Iranian consulate in Syria in April and precipitating an all-out war with Hezbollah of Lebanon in June.

We must crush the imperialist aggressive war drive with the worldwide anti-imperialist joint struggle. As anti-imperialist camp and imperialist camp clash, the truth and justice become clearer whose side they are on. The anti-imperialist camp firmly holds the justification of anti-fascism, liberation, and reunification, which the imperialist camp can never deny. The nuclear missile superpowers of the anti-imperialist camp–DPRK, China, and Russia–are growing stronger; at the same time, they firmly unite with Iran and other ‘Axis of Resistance’ countries, along with world anti-imperialist movements. In contrast, the USA, European imperialism, and pro-US fascist countries are pushing World War 3 in full swing and manipulating the “New Cold War” framework as internal overall crises deepen. It is common sense that the side with both justification and strength wins the war. Awakened and united people of the world will bring an end to imperialism with vigorous anti-imperialist joint struggle and put forward a new era of global independence and peace.

At the McPherson Square, Washington DC.

On July 7th, 2024

World Anti-imperialist Platform