Ten goals of World Anti-imperialist Youth Platform

The World Anti-imperialist Youth Platform (Youth Platform) endorses with the Paris Declaration of the World Anti-imperialist Platform and expresses its determination to take the lead in its joint struggles, and affirms the following ten goals.

The Youth Platform commits itself to : 

1. actively struggle in the vanguard for the final victory of the world anti-imperialist forces against the wars of imperialists’ aggression including the US imperialism.

2. undauntedly and strongly fight for anti-war, anti-imperialism, anti-US with the workers and people to stop the imperialist forces’ military actions, arms transportation and financial support. 

3. firmly reject the mobilization of our youth as human shields on the imperialists’ war of aggression.

4. widely explode the nature of imperialism’s false propaganda and agitation through various means and methods.

5. oppose exploitation and plunder and stand in solidarity with the workers, peasants, and other working people.

6. increase its role as a vanguard of the youth masses in solving the problems stemming from imperialism and capitalism which impact the youth of today

7. aim at genuine unity of the youth movement at the national, regional and global levels.

8. sharply and firmly carry out the ideological battle for justice against the reactionary ideologies and tendencies of pro-imperialism, revisionism, and opportunism. 

9. constantly make efforts to analyze the situation scientifically and formulate revolutionary strategies.

10. thoroughly prepare themselves for the successors to the communist movement through revolutionary organizational life and practical struggles.

July 1, 2024 United States

World Anti-imperialist Youth Platform