“It is time to adopt the courageous and heroic experience of our ancestors”

Tatiana Desiatova | Communist Party of the Russian Federation

In recent years, processes that threaten to drag the world into the abyss of carnage and large-scale upheavals have been rapidly gaining momentum. The instigation by Western (mainly American) imperialism of the massacre against the Russian–speaking Donbass and the Palestinian population at the hands of the Ukrainian Bandera regime and the Zionist Israeli government is a wake-up call to all mankind. History reminds us that all local military clashes provoked by the “powerful of this world” served as a forerunner to world wars that claimed the lives of millions of people. While strongly condemning the aggressive aspirations of the “globalist” henchmen in Ukraine and Israel, speaking out against the genocide of the inhabitants of Novorossiya and Arab lands, we must not forget about the class essence of what is happening. Today, as in the 1930s, international capital is betting on unleashing a worldwide massacre and on strengthening geopolitical expansion in order to capture new sources of raw materials and markets for finished products. In this way, the bourgeoisie expects to minimize the consequences of economic crises for itself, distract working people from the root causes of their difficult and oppressed situation, sow seeds of discord in the ranks of the proletariat, pushing its representatives along racial and national lines. Only the consolidation of communist and workers’ parties and movements, people of labor from different countries of the world into a single anti-imperialist front, the deployment of the struggle against the bourgeois system, for socialism will open the way to the establishment of a stable and just peace on Earth, will put a barrier to those who are trying to plunge the planet into an ocean of blood. It was the consolidation of the progressive forces of a number of countries during the struggle against the Entente intervention in Soviet Russia, during the struggle against Hitlerism, that served as one of the key factors in the victory over world reaction. It is time to adopt the courageous and heroic experience of our ancestors, raising our voice against the omnipotence of capital, and contribute to the approach of the victory of the working people!