We will defeat imperialism, No to fascism, No to imperialism, Long live the Victory of the Working People throughout the world 

Boris Litvinov | Donetsk Republican Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation

Dear participants of the World Anti-imperialist Platform. I am Boris Litvinov, Member of the People’s Council of the Donetsk People’s Republic, head of the regional committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, I greet you from this square named after Lenin of the heroic city of Donetsk. 

Behind me, stands a monument of Lenin. That’s one of the few that remained on the territory of the former state of Ukraine. Everything that is connected with Lenin, everything that is connected with the Soviet Union, everything that is connected with the victories and the achievements of the Great Soviet people in Ukraine was destroyed. 

More than 100 years ago, the great Lenin defined imperialism. Lenin said that imperialism is the highest stage of capitalism and since then our country has followed the path of the Soviet Union. The fight against this world evil of imperialism was seen also during the formation of the Soviet state at the dawn of our Motherland in the 1918-1919 year when representatives of more than 14 countries landed to our land and went to war against the young Soviet state, and so it was during the Great Patriotic War when imperialism set Hitler’s fascism against us, the Soviet country. And the same thing happened in 2014, the working people of Donbass which is a proletarianized region. Here are miners, metallurgists, coke chemists, teachers, doctors, students. Here is a huge industrialized region. Here people realized that they don’t want to continue living according to patrons and according to the rules of the imperialists. We do not want that. We want to build our own state, not according to orders from Washington, Brussels or other capitals of the imperialist powers. We will not live under the dictation of the financial capital. We rebelled against and we created our own Donetsk People’s Republic. Today we have united with the Russian Federation, which, despite all its difficulties, is fighting against the dictates of financial capital. Today the world is in a struggle between the monopolies for the final division of the world. We don’t want this, we want to live our own lives. We want to live according to our own will and build our own state, a Peaceful State today. Again, as it happened before at the beginning of the 20th century, and in the middle of the 20th century, and again armed representatives of financial capital came to our land. 

Armed representatives of the financial capital from more than 50 countries of the world came to our land with missiles, bombs, shells, planes and tanks in order to  suppress our will, so that they can drag us to what they call order and to make us adopt the rules of life, which are dictated to humanity by fascism through the global financial capital. We won’t allow this. 

I am addressing the delegates of the Anti-imperialist platform. You probably remember how, back in 1919 the English workers… gave the world the slogan “hands away from Russia”. I call on everyone today. All fighting workers of the earth unite and call for this topic. Hands off today’s Russia. Today, bombs, shells, airplanes, which I spoke about earlier which are made by the hands of workers are being shipped to Ukraine in order to be dropped on our heads for more than 10 years. 

The Russian people can never be defeated. Invaders often came to our Russian land. We have always come to Europe and other countries as liberators from the tyranny of various regimes. There is an ongoing propaganda that Russia tries to annex foreign territories. We don’t need other people’s lands, we have enough of our own. But we want to live our own lives with our own ideas about our future, we have a great past and we will have a great future too. The most important thing is that we give the world an example of the fight against imperialism. 

I call all of you. Together with Russia, to fight and defeat this world’s evil, imperialism and its offspring, fascism. We started here 10 years ago on this square near this glorious monument. We will continue this fight. We will defeat imperialism, No to fascism, no to imperialism, Long live the Victory of the Working People throughout the world.