Klara Azhybekova | Communist Party of Kyrgyzstan


Our event takes place in the conditions of global, all-encompassing actual CRISIS. At this very moment we are in the country of the most developed capitalism, in the USA! The Kyrgyz Communists warmly welcome the Communists, the working people of the United States and its working class, the people of the USA and its working class, who are also concerned about what is happening in the world!  We wish the International Anti-Imperialist Platform Conference productive work and adoption of the most important decisions! 

Dear participants of the conference! I would like to draw your attention to the fact that modern imperialism is at the peak of its ANTAGONISTIC contradictions in all spheres:

ECONOMIC, SOCIAL, SPIRITUAL, CULTURAL, MILITARY AND POLITICAL!  MARXISM’S CLASSIC POSITION THAT THE EPOCH OF SOCIAL REVOLUTIONS COMES PRECISELY WHEN THE ADVANCED PRODUCTIVE FORCES CEASE TO CORRESPOND TO THE LAGGING PRODUCTION RELATIONS! Agree that the scientific, technical and informational potential of the most advanced countries of the world is increasing! Science becomes a direct productive force of society!  Artificial intelligence practically begins to replace man, all science and scientists work for the interests of monopolies, all the natural resources of the world work for transnational corporations, the working class, the working masses of the world are subject to exploitation!  In what does this manifest itself? 

First of all, all material wealth and natural resources, although it is written in many constitutions of different countries that they belong to the people, but in the process of their extraction and transformation into a product for its use, they are already in the hands of private owners!  Workers buy from them at high prices to satisfy their needs! 

Secondly, for their titanic labor they get a rather low wage! The profit goes into the pockets of the private owners! The workers of the whole world do not want to continue to live in such a humiliated state! The bourgeoisie get everything, but the workers get crumbs? This contradiction is growing with cosmic speed and the class struggle is growing!  These irreconcilable contradictions are growing not only within capitalist states, but also between states.

The more developed states exploit the less developed states! 

Unfortunately, Western civilization ruthlessly exploits Eastern civilization! After all, they practically turned Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Palestine, earlier Vietnam into ashes! And for what? They were very rich in oil, gas, other minerals and land wealth! The world of imperialism does not want to take energy resources for their price! They want to seize them for free! The predatory appetites of the West are simply limitless!  This makes them degenerate very quickly in legal and moral aspects!  The faster and larger the appetites of the criminal bourgeoisie of the West grow, the more intolerant the workers of the whole world become to their invasive practices!  The consciousness of the working class is growing, they are working with very sophisticated technologies of modern production, they are learning a lot, improving their professionalism, they have the opportunity to learn and online! Therefore, the knowledge and awareness of their unjust situation raises the workers to the class and above all economic struggle! By the way, in recent years it is the working class of the West that is increasingly rising to the struggle! For example, Great Britain, France, Germany and others! The workers of Palestine, organized in Hamaz, went to war against Israel in general because of their expansionist policies, their systematic seizure of their territory and their refusal to create a state of Palestine! Always at some point the quantity of injustice is transformed into a new quality of just class struggle!

Of necessity, economic injustice leads to SOCIAL INJURY! First of all, it is the inaccessibility of medicine for the workers, for the working class as a whole in the IMPERIALIST WORLD! 

Especially surgical operations have simply exorbitant prices! Then you conclude that professional medical care is the property of only the rich, only the bourgeoisie! That’s why you open Facebook and see women with children asking for money for treatment or surgery for their children! Was it possible to see such lawlessness in the Soviet Union! No! Never! Treatment was free! Or the question of education? It is becoming almost inaccessible even in secondary schools! Why! 

This also applies to post-Soviet republics, because in public schools the quality of education has noticeably dropped due to low salaries for teachers, lack of schools, lack of textbooks. Think what kind of quality education can a student get when there are 3 people sitting at a desk, 50-60 students in a class, it is unclear what textbooks to study with? Some places are going to teach schoolchildren on British textbooks in electronic version? It is all voluntarism and subjectivism. How could school education not collapse at all! Each republic has started to initiate its own ideology, its own history! Most importantly, low salaries in schools and universities have washed out highly qualified teachers and teachers on the market, trade, abroad to Europe as nannies for elderly Europeans, kitchen workers, etc. in the sphere of everyday life!  Engaging in Russophobia, many went to work in Russia to feed their families! Mother Russia accepted and accepts migrants for work! These migrants fill a considerable part of the budget of the republics.

Moreover, the post-Soviet republics began to copy the educational processes in universities and schools Western models of education are far from perfect! AFTER ALL, EDUCATION IN THE SOVIET UNION WAS CONSIDERED THE BEST IN THE WORLD! They introduced the BOLON SYSTEM, where our higher education institutions were turned into specialized secondary schools! Many people think that after graduating from bachelor’s degree they have a higher education, for this it is still necessary to complete a master’s program! Note that not all departments have a master’s program!  What does that tell you? That the majority of graduates simply will not come to study in a master’s program anymore! Still paying, still pretending to study! In the Soviet Union higher and specialized secondary education existed successfully separately!  Blind copying of Western educational institutions did not lead to anything good! The Bologna system is 100 steps backwards for the Soviet Union republics! Then 12 years of schooling was introduced! For what purpose? To feed, teach, and pay for two more years of great-aged children! For capitalism to extort money from parents to educate their adult children, apparently this is the only motivation! In the Soviet Union, a 10th grade education was enough to prepare them for universities, technical colleges and other professions!  Now we are repeating like parrots the 12-year education that is unsuitable for us! I am surprised at those countries that follow such a path, which have an acute shortage of labor resources and those republics that lack schools, teachers, especially in physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics! Repeating the West is not the best way and not the best experience! 

Soviet education was and is the best in the world! It is time to move forward on the basis of proven teaching methods!  In medicine, too, there’s a lot of illogic! Highly specialized medicine to turn into zemstvo doctors, they existed in times of illiteracy and lack of highly professional doctors! Kyrgyzstan is only trying to correct this nonsense, the birth rate in Kyrgyzstan is there, fortunately children are still being born, so adjustments are being made, overcoming the past voluntarism in this matter: they opened pediatric faculties in medical schools, opened children’s polyclinics anew!  Both were closed under IMF proposals!

The Soviet Union gave free apartments on a first-come, first-served basis! Under colonial imperialism, you can live as you like! But there are already some attempts to provide people with apartments! For example, in Belarus they still give free apartments from the state! In Russia, they also get them through cooperatives!  In Kyrgyzstan, the new government, which came from 2020, sets the task to provide, especially young people with apartments through state mortgage lending for 20-25 years! The initial payment is made, and then they will pay, as now they pay for rented housing, but it will be their own housing! After payment wait 1-2 years! This is a good way out! And no one will be able to cheat, because the state is the guarantor and takes everything into its own hands! 

THE NEW AUTHORITIES OF KYRGYZSTAN AS IF THEY UNDERSTAND THE TREND OF DEVELOPMENT OF MANKIND OF THE 21ST CENTURY TOWARDS A JUST SOCIETY! PRESIDENT SADYR JAPAROV has already repeatedly voiced his action program – KYRGYZSTAN WILL FIGHT FOR MATERIAL AND SOCIAL EQUALITY! Kamchybek Tashiev, Chairman of the SCNB, also says that it is intolerable that only a few people are rich! We will strive to make everyone rich! We will return illegally privatized property to the people, to the state! 

In these plans and tasks, the Kyrgyz government can be a flagship for other republics! There has already been a precedent! We nationalized the Kumtor gold mine, which now works only for the people! Constitutionally the People’s Kurultai was introduced, a kind of People’s Control!  There is a systematic increase in salaries of border guards, pensioners, doctors, teachers, monetary assistance to the most socially vulnerable segments of the population! Last year they gave 100 thousand soms to 10 thousand families, this year 2024 they gave 100 thousand soms to 20 thousand families! Kyrgyz som and Russian ruble are almost equalized! 

We already issue internal and external passports and other documents in our republic and save millions of dollars! Internal passports are even free until September 2024!  Slowly but surely we are moving towards transformations for the interests of the working masses in Kyrgyzstan! Unfortunately, 12-year school education is also being introduced in our country! We believe that it is simply imposed on us from the outside! There is another positive moment―it is the construction of the railroad China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan and other positive transformations have begun in the country! But there are still enough problems! 


In an interview with Tucker Carlson. Jeffrey Sachs, a professor at Columbia University, frankly says that the U.S. just bought Ukraine to fight Russia. The West not only announced thousands of sanctions against Russia, but decided to take it over through Ukraine! Today, almost 55 Western countries are helping Ukraine with weapons, airplanes, missiles, intelligence to weaken it or even split it into pieces like Libya! After the destruction of the Soviet Union came the era of a monopolar world under the dictatorship of the U.S. and its satellites Europe!  It is funny to look and listen to young Europeans: Baltic republics, Poland and others! So brave! So shouty! So anti-communist and anti-Soviet! I understand, if these poor people had prosperity at home, everything is blooming and smelling there! In fact, everything is just hanging on by a thread, mass unemployment, everything stands still, industry stands still! Only the upper classes are screaming! Those who moved to Europe are not doctors, engineers, directors of enterprises! And who are they there? Poor bastards! European nannies for elderly grandparents, governesses and so on. Nothing remarkable! But the voice is loud! The weaker they are, the more obedient they must be to their masters!

The time of US monopoly without the Soviet Union led the world to total degradation of almost all spheres!  An unprecedented polarization of exploiters and exploited, of bourgeoisie and proletariat! THE TOTAL COLLAPSE OF MORALS OF THE CRIMINAL BOURGEOISIE OF IMPERIALISM! WHAT IS HAPPENING IN THE USA AND EUROPE?! THE FASHION FOR HOMOSEXUALS, TRANSGENDERS, ADRENOCHROMIA, DRUG TRAFFICKING, DRUG ADDICTION, GAMBLING ADDICTION! Lying, falsification, manipulation, sabotage, terrorism and extremism, black transplantology, organ trafficking, biological weapons! With truths and untruths, bribes and promises the introduction of NATO biolaboratories in the post-Soviet republics around Russia! 

THE FAVORITE TECHNOLOGY OF THE USA AND THE EUROPEAN UNION IS SANCTIONS AGAINST UNWANTED STATES, FIRST OF ALL SOCIALIST AND DISOBEDIENT STATES BY FASCIST DICTATES OF THE WESTERN STATES! CUBA, NORTH KOREA, RUSSIA, VENEZUELA AND OTHERS! Why does the US think it is so all-powerful? At the expense of the Federal Reserve? But these are the assets of the Soviet Union, formerly the Russian Empire!? On whose gold the Rothschilds and Rockefellers got so rich and the USA is going crazy! Gentlemen imperialists! With your greed and hyperconventional psychology, individualism and egoism, you have all led our Planet – Earth to ecological disaster! Natural scientists believe that mankind has only 10 years to live! Soon there will be an external impact from other Planets and we will not survive! Earlier such impacts were neutralized by our clean water resources: oceans, seas, rivers and lakes! The current state of polluted water resources is not able to protect us! For that, it is necessary for all humanity to start cleaning our water resources together! But under capitalism, the dictatorship of private property interests, it turns out to be impossible to do this! 


A looming ecological catastrophe, prepared by the predatory use of natural resources, our oceans and seas, the earth, under the earth, above the earth, and is still tearing out the Magma of the Earth! And the US and Europe are so eager to use nuclear weapons! Gentlemen! Why are you so greedy!? It’s the result of hyper-private ownership, which gives the illusion of omnipotence! It turns out that nature is more powerful when the laws of its development are not considered! 

Dear gentlemen members of the deep state! Gentlemen of NATO! Wake up! What is dearer to you than LIFE or MILLION TONS OF DOLLARS, but already in the arms of death! Only socialism can save all mankind! Only forward! 

For communists, the big problem is to work with the working people! To unite the labor movement with the theory of socialism and communism! The practical unification of the Special Military Operation with socialism, the restoration of the Soviet Union and the accelerated establishment of socialism on the entire Planet Earth! Time is of the essence! 

The natural impetus for the urgent transition to socialism is thus ECOLOGICAL factors: 

1. The release of the Earth’s magma

2. Periodic pressure on Planet Earth of external alien forces, which is carried out with a certain periodicity in some millions of years and this time is coming! Urgent cleaning of seas, oceans, rivers, lakes! To ensure the survival of every living thing on Earth! Scientists think there’s about 10 years left! So far, no response! 

3. There’s another volcano coming out in the U.S. and the U.S. is supposed to be flooded! 

Sometimes you think, maybe by pushing Ukraine to fight to the last Ukrainian, the U.S. frees its territory?! After all, US scientists also know about future natural cataclysms? 

The factor of the natural transition to socialism is the CRISIS of socio-political, military and military factors! THIS CRISIS MUST BE SOLVED! HOW?

1. THE PROCESS OF THE LAW OF UNITY AND STRUGGLE OF OPPOSITES IN SOCIETY IS UNDERWAY!  There is a struggle between the colonizers―imperialists and the countries that rose up to fight against neocolonialism, against racism, genocide and neo-fascism! The West is the side of evil and colonizers: USA, Europe! The other side is the side of good and justice, the side that establishes the NEW WORLD ORDER under the leadership of Russia, Belarus, China, the countries of the socialist camp and socialist orientation! How beautifully the President of Bolivia Luis Arce spoke at the St. Petersburg Economic Forum! He told how they are working to reduce inequality and poverty! It should be noted that they are achieving remarkable results! Since 2006, GDP per capita has risen from 37 dollars to 336 dollars! Since 2006, they have reduced poverty from 70% to 30%, including other Latin American countries: Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Africa, Asia and others! 

The USA, Europe together with Ukraine held their so-called peace summit or coven on June 17, 2024 in Switzerland! But before this summit the PRESIDENT of RUSSIA V.V.PUTIN sent his Draft Peace Treaty to the West! 

THEY WERE SHOCKED! THEY WERE EVEN MORE SHOCKED BY V.V.PUTIN’S STATE VISIT TO KNDR! The meeting was simply massive, very warm and friendly! The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea is a brave, courageous country! Its leaders deserve the highest respect, because they stood up, did not give up in the most difficult times of the destruction of the Soviet Union! We have seen on television how it has blossomed, how it has moved forward over the years! Because of socialism, order!  Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin and Kim Jong-un sat together in the car and took turns driving!  Everything was very grand and warm and beautiful! They signed the AGREEMENT OF GENERAL STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP, which implies military-technical cooperation, bilateral defense treaty! Then V.V.Putin arrived in Vietnam! The people of the world, of course, have not forgotten how the U.S. simply irradiated Vietnam with its bombs, but with the support of the Soviet Union, the Vietnamese expelled the U.S. from their territory!  Now Vietnam is developing very dynamically, cooperating with Russia in various fields! V.V.Putin met with the President of Vietnam, with the Prime Minister of Vietnam and the General Secretary of the Socialist Party of Vietnam! There was a laying of flowers to Ho Chi Minh, a very interesting meeting with graduates of Russian universities at the Grand Theater in Hanoi! 

All this, of course, stirred up the minds of the West They are confused, furious, furious!  As revenge, they attacked Sevastopol on June 23, 2024, and it was the vacationers, children! Typical terrorists of the AFU with their bosses from the USA! Unfortunately, were they created only to kill others and get pleasure from it!? 

To get out of the global crisis of imperialism, the side of progress, the side of justice, equality, goodness and honor must win! What is the scientific term for it? This is SOCIALISM! This is the victory of the COMMUNIST IDEOLOGY! THERE’S NO OTHER WAY!  SINCE THE 20TH CENTURY, MANKIND HAS BEEN GRADUALLY MOVING TOWARDS THE TRANSITION TO THE COMMUNIST FORMATION, TO THE FIRST PHASE OF ITS DEVELOPMENT―SOCIALISM!  ALL THE FIRST PERSONS, ALL THE POWER STRUCTURES OF THE STATES OF OUR PLANET MUST ACCEPT THIS REGULARITY, THERE IS NO OTHER WAY FOR THE SURVIVAL OF ALL LIFE ON EARTH! Against the objective laws of the development of nature and social development simply cannot be defeated, the more the peoples of the world, the workers of the world, the working class of Planet Earth led by the communist and socialist parties will bring their class struggle to the political struggle with the establishment of the dictatorship of the proletariat and the workers of the world! The core of this struggle will be the SOVIET UNION, SOCIALISM, which will lead to SOCIALISM ON ALL OUR PLANET!


With deep respect and sincere appreciation for the Great Work in which all are engaged!