“Our struggle for a just and safe world will undoubtedly succeed” 

Baltic Platform

Dear participants of the international conference of the World Anti-imperialist Platform, comrades! 

The events currently unfolding, in which most countries of the world are involved to some extent, are steadily leading to the dismantling of the order that exists in the interests of the USA and the Anglo-Saxons. Countries and peoples, whose resources have been exploited by the Anglo-Saxons for their prosperity for centuries and at minimal cost, are increasingly organized and united in resisting this order. A powerful core of countries has formed in this resistance, represented by Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea. Their example has become an inspiration for the peoples of countries on all continents, who make up the majority of the Earth’s population. 

The hostile imperialist coalition led by the USA uses any methods and means, including the instigation of regional wars and conflicts, epidemiological attacks, sanctioning rebellious countries to death, and the physical elimination of their leaders. There are no moral or legal constraints for Washington and its satellites, as they fight to maintain their control over the world and its resources. 

To this end, the imperialists have unleashed a bloody conflict between two parts of one people, Russians and Ukrainians, on the territory of Ukraine. The conflict has already become a true “black hole,” consuming human and material resources from many countries, including those serving Washington’s interests. The US military-industrial complex is making enormous profits from supplying arms to the Zelensky regime and replenishing NATO countries’ arsenals. Ukraine and Russia are drawn into combat operations aimed at mutual exhaustion. The European allies of the USA, who support this confrontation, are rapidly losing their industrial potential, and their populations are becoming poorer. 

According to the Polish Institute of Economics in the summer of 2023, 20 percent of the Ukrainian population has left the country, unemployment has exceeded 25 percent, 50 percent of the energy infrastructure has been destroyed, 40 percent of enterprises have reduced production, arable land has decreased by 30 percent, inflation is at 27 percent, and the budget deficit in 2022 was 17.5 percent (in 2023 it reached $33.4 billion, 46 percent more than the previous year). The state survives solely on external infusions. According to Washington, continuing the war in Ukraine is a good business that saves American lives. 

To maintain their dominance in the world, the USA needs more than just the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. They need to spread their favorite practice of creating “controlled chaos” in key regions of the world and forming operational-tactical coalitions there to ensure their control over local resources. 

Following the proxy conflict in Ukraine, Washington is preparing to extend it to neighboring territories in the Baltic Sea region, Moldova, and Romania. The USA is persistently stirring up the situation in the Arab world, deliberately condoning Israel’s genocide of the Palestinian population, and forming a coalition to initiate a confrontation around Taiwan. The destabilizing efforts of the Anglo-Saxons are evident in the regions of the North Caucasus and Central Asia. 

The USA is developing aggressive plans regarding the Northern Sea Route and the Arctic zone of Russian territory. They have effectively paralyzed the thirty-year activity of the Arctic Council (which includes eight countries with territory in the region: Canada, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Russia, Sweden, and the USA), which had been a successful example of post-Cold War cooperation. Washington does not hide its desire to take control of the transit routes and resources of the Arctic region, where, according to the BBC, there may be 160 billion barrels of oil and 30% of the world’s undiscovered natural gas reserves. 

At the behest of the USA, NATO has already expanded its presence in the region by establishing a new operational command based in Norfolk, Virginia. According to the American press in June 2023, a $600 million project is underway to expand port facilities in Nome, Alaska. As a result, Nome will become the country’s first deep-water Arctic port. 

Commenting on the developments and the USA’s interests in the Arctic region, analyst Matti Pesu from the Finnish Institute of International Affairs notes: “The war in Ukraine plus climate change is a ‘perfect storm.’ A new atmosphere of the Cold War is emerging, mixed with melting ice, affecting military planning and opening new economic opportunities and access to natural resources.”

At the same time, it is impossible to overlook the fact that the emergence of a multipolar world is already a reality. Events that recently seemed unreal are happening before our eyes: the normalization of relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran, their entry into BRICS along with Egypt and the UAE, Syria’s return to the “Arab family,” and the expulsion of French and American military contingents from several African countries—these are now practical confirmations of the profound undermining of imperialist hegemony. 

The new world order is taking shape through the creation and expansion of BRICS, the increased role of the African Union as a global institution capable of resolving crises within its continent without external intervention. The next step for the African community could be recognizing itself as a capable actor in global international relations. 

Latin American countries are also decisively moving out of Washington’s “backyard.” New integration structures free from US influence are being created there as well. An example of this is CELAC—the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States. 

In Europe, signs of growing dissent against the crude dictates of the USA are also evident. This process cannot be stopped even by measures such as the physical elimination of leaders who defend the true sovereignty of their countries. The societal reaction to the thwarted assassination attempt on the leader of Serbia and the terrorist attack on the Prime Minister of Slovakia only strengthens European resistance to hegemonic pressure and promotes the consolidation of antiimperialist forces. 

The elections to the European Parliament held in early June demonstrated a fierce confrontation between supporters of globalism and advocates of national interests and traditional values. The dismantling of imperialist globalism is a pressing task for the international communist movement as well. However, we have no illusions about the nature of the confrontation between the so-called factions of bourgeois “globalists” and “nationalists.” Both are deeply invested in maintaining capitalist exploitation of the working class and will equally avoid any constraints in doing so. Communist and workers’ parties need to strengthen their forces, solidarity, and ideological unity in the struggle for socialism. 

A real threat emerging from the endangered state of capitalism is the resurgence of fascism. Ultraright forces in Europe are rising on this wave, rooted in the lingering ideologies of Nazism. This is particularly evident in the Baltic states, where aggressive nationalism is openly preached. In these countries, totalitarian control over society has essentially been established, with dissenting media banned, and individuals subjected to repression for the slightest expression of opinions differing from the authorities’ positions. Social networks have become a hunting ground for special services targeting dissenters. Hypocritical bourgeois democracy has been completely discarded, giving way to terror disguised as demagogy. 

Under such conditions, workers in the Baltic states place particular hope in the struggle of international anti-imperialist forces. Their success on the world stage directly affects the ability to resist repressive bourgeois-nationalist regimes in their own countries. The ruling bourgeois parties are in a panic, fearing the loss of power without the support of NATO and the US-led united West. Simultaneously, sensing the high likelihood of this outcome, the anti-people authorities are rapidly plundering national resources and funds allocated from European budgets. Meanwhile, the population is rapidly impoverishing and declining. To suppress protests and dissatisfaction with the authorities, fears of an imminent war with Russia and the urgent need to build up military potential for both the country and NATO are being instilled. Under this distracting noise, theft and corruption in the corridors of power thrive. However, the governments are already prepared for their “Hour X.” This is evidenced by leaks to the press about well-developed scenarios and measures for the emergency escape of the ruling “elite” abroad. 

The goal of the July “anniversary” NATO summit in Washington will undoubtedly be the development and adoption of extraordinary measures to save the collapsing “world order.” The imperialists are in a panic, witnessing the growing unity of countries and peoples seeking to free themselves from the dictates of parasites thriving on others’ resources. This movement in the world is growing and strengthening. Participants of the World Anti-imperialist Platform, representing the interests of the working majority in their countries, have become the active core of global antiimperialist forces. Our struggle for a just and safe world in every country and globally will undoubtedly succeed. 

Peace to the people of Palestine! Hold the Israeli authorities accountable for the genocide in Palestine!  

Peace to the people of Ukraine and Russia! Hold the US authorities accountable for imperialist robbery!  

Peace to labor, not capital!