No.17 October 2024

No.16 September 2024

No.15 August 2024

UN Press Briefing on Factfinding Mission to Donbass and Moscow

Christopher Helali | American Communist Party (Former International Secretary of the Party of Communists USA)

US imperialism and NATO cannot avoid defeat in World War 3

Stephen Cho | Coordinator of the Korean International Forum

One War, Seven Fronts: US-EU-NATO Imperialist Wars

Christopher Helali | American Communist Party (Former International Secretary of the Party of Communists USA)


Ricardo López Risso | Peruvian Communist Party

On the ongoing Third World War

Party of Committees to Support Resistance―for Communism (CARC Party)

The growth of world war and the tasks of anti-imperialists

Joti Brar | Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist-Leninist)

Let us rally our forces in the struggle against imperialism and war

Dmitry Novikov | Communist Party of the Russian Federation

The struggle against imperialism in Europe

Miguel Ángel | Unión Proletaria

“This 75th NATO Summit is an act of desperation”  

Cody Urban | Resist US-Led War Movement

“A broad anti-imperialist united front is being built across the globe” 

David Savard | Socialist Action for National Liberation of Quebec (ASLN)

NATO’s Nazi Roots 

Gabriel Rockhill | Critical Theory Workshop

Beginning Demise of Western Imperialism

Kil Sang Yoon | Korean Amercian National Coordinating Council

No.14 July 2024

“It is time to adopt the courageous and heroic experience of our ancestors”

Tatiana Desiatova | Communist Party of the Russian Federation

We will defeat imperialism, No to fascism, No to imperialism, Long live the Victory of the Working People throughout the world 

Boris Litvinov | Donetsk Republican Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation

Supporting Russia is anti-imperialism

Amancay Riquelme | Chilean Communist Party (Proletarian Action)

The fight against imperialism is a fight for civilization 

Amancay Riquelme | Chilean Communist Party (Proletarian Action)

On the essence of the Ukraine war 

Joti Brar | Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist-Leninist)

The people, united, will undoubtedly achieve the final victory 

Stephen Cho | Coordinator of the Korean International Forum


Communist Party of Bolivia

“NATO threatens with a third world war”

Communist Party of Ecuador


Imani Na Umoja | African Party for the Independence of Guinea and Cape Verde (PAIGC)

“We must smash the US/NATO/EU Axis of domination” 

Rafiki Morris | All-African People's Revolutionary Party

“NATO is the biggest terrorist organization in the world” 

Michael Tzimis | Socialist Platform of Georgia

The peoples of the world want peace, NATO-EU wants war! 

Anatole Sawosik | Pôle de renaissance communiste en France (PRCF)

A new phase in this NATO-USA led 3rd world war 

Jozef Bossuyt | Communist Party of Belgium

The struggle against imperialism in a changing world 

Stefan Petrov | September 23 movement (Bulgaria)

Imperialism and Its Armed Wing, NATO Will Be Defeated!  

Black Alliance for Peace Africa Team | US Out of Africa Network

“We Won’t Fight Another Rich Man’s War”

Caleb T. Maupin | Center for Political Innovation (USA)

“The revolutionary situation has emerged worldwide!”

Communist Labour Party of Turkey/Leninist

The world anti-imperialist camp will certainly win

Stephen Cho | Coordinator of the Korean International Forum

No.13 June 2024

The 13th issue will be issued on June 9

Please note that the 13th issue will be uploaded shortly afterwards the international conference of the Platform on June 9 as it consists of the texts of the speeches on it.

[June 2024] The 13th issue of ‘Platform’ is released

The World Anti-imperialist Platform

10 years since the heroic Donbass uprising

Dimitrios Patelis | Revolutionary Unification (Greece)

A new phase in this NATO―3rd world war 

Jozef Bossuyt | Communist Party of Belgium

‘Here we started our struggle against imperialism, against fascism’  

Boris Litvinov | Donetsk Republican Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation

‘Our only option is struggle and victory against imperialist criminals’ 

Miloš Karavezic | New Communist Party of Yugoslavia (Serbia)

War Crisis between Taiwan and mainland China

Ju Hsing Tsang | Labor Party (Taiwan)

War in Gaza and the risk of World War

Kim Jang-min | Political Economics Research Institute PNYX

What does Hamas want?

Azzam Tamimi | Alhiwar TV Channel

World War III and counter-hegemonic trends 

Bruno Drweski | Association Nationale des Communistes (France)

The world anti-imperialist peace force will certainly win 

People's Democracy Party (South Korea)

The struggle against imperialism is a struggle for civilization 

Chilean Communist Party (Proletarian Action)

The situation of World War 3 and the tasks of the world anti-imperialist peace forces

Stephen Cho | Coordinator of the Korean International Forum

No.12 May 2024

Bourgeois Democracy and Fascism

Harpal Brar | Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist-Leninist)

Germany and Europe are gearing up for major wars

Max | Kommunistische Organisation (Germany)

Philosophy of ideology of the XXI century civilization

Klara Azhybekova | Communist Party of Kyrgyzstan

‘Stop the boats!’ The political football of the ‘immigration debate’ in Britain 

Joti Brar | Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist-Leninist)

The most important feature of the “New Cold War” 

Stephen Cho | Coordinator of the Korean International Forum

No.11 April 2024

The Palestinian resistance is changing the world

Harpal Brar | Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist-Leninist) 

On the joint declaration of the social chauvinists of Europe

Communist Labour Party of Turkey/Leninist

Identity politics or class politics? – I. Liberalism or socialism?

Joti Brar | Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist-Leninist)

The theory of subjugation first

Stephen Cho | Coordinator of the Korean International Forum

No.10 March 2024

No.9 February 2024

No.8 January 2024

Aspects of the national question and anti-imperialism during WWIII

Dimitrios Patelis | Revolutionary Unification (Greece)

On the current state and problems of the communist movement

Joti Brar | Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist-Leninist) 

On the “New Cold War”

Stephen Cho | Coordinator of the Korean International Forum

No.7 December 2023

Long live our unity of action!

Communist Party of Belgium

A Changing World And The Aggressiveness of Imperialism

Carlos Arturo Garcia Marulanda | Colombian Communist Party

“Against “anti-woke”, wake the masses”

Elisabeth Young | Center for Political Innovation (USA)

Forward to an International Anti-imperialist Movement

Joe Lombardo | United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC), USA

No.6 November 2023

The 6th issue will be issued on November 19

Please note that the 6th issue will be uploaded shortly afterwards the international conference of the Platform on November 18 as it will consist of the texts of the speeches on the conference.

On the current situation in the world and the real essence of the war in Ukraine

Dmitrii Kuzmin | Russian Communist Workers’ Party-CPSU

Imperialism is the main threat to humanity

V.B. Zelikov | All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks (Nina Andreeva) (Belarus)

Socialism is back on the agenda

Eastern Initiative

To Break Imperialist-Capitalist Chain

Aydın Karahan | Communist Labour Party of Turkey/Leninist

The Central Tasks Of The Anti-Imperialist Struggle

Ricardo López Risso | Peruvian Communist Party

Declaration Of The Sovereignty Of Peoples

Dynamique Unitaire Panafricaine

“The best or worst shout against imperialism is to take up arms and fight”

Imani Na Umoja | African Party for the Independence of Guinea and Cape Verde (PAIGC)

On Ultra-Leftist Attitudes Towards Key International Issues

Mazdoor Kissan Party (Workers and Peasants Party, Pakistan)

No to fascism! Resist US-led NATO war!

Jozef Bossuyt | Communist Party of Belgium

The lessons of our history

Joti Brar | Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist-Leninist)

No.5 October 2023

Lessons of 1914: Imperialism means war

Harpal Brar | Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist-Leninist)

How British Imperialism Crushed the Greek Revolution

Nina Kosta, George Korkovelos | Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist-Leninist)

Anti-imperialism, and the transition from early to late socialist revolutions

Dimitrios Patelis | Collective for Revolutionary Unification (Greece)

It’s not the workers but the capitalists who are causing inflation

Joti Brar | Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist-Leninist)

We will fight together and win together

Stephen Cho | Coordinator of the Korean International Forum

No.4 September 2023

Long live Leninism!

Harpal Brar | Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist-Leninist)

The Communist Party of Belgium is 100 years young

Jozef Bossuyt | Communist Party of Belgium

Fascism – Attribute and Way of Existence of Imperialism

Klara Azhybekova | Communist Party of Kyrgyzstan

I’m back from Xinjiang

Aymeric Monville | Pole of Communist Revival in France

“Multipolarity” or internationalist anti-imperialism?

Dimitrios Patelis | Collective for Revolutionary Unification (Greece)

Disappearing context: West created and backed Ukrainian fascists for 85 years

Joti Brar | Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist-Leninist)

The Character of the War

Stephen Cho | Coordinator of the Korean International Forum

No.3 August 2023

1914-2014: Imperialism means war

Harpal Brar | Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist-Leninist)

Who are those who fear Lenin’s revolutionary legacy and why?

Patelis Dimitrios | Collective of Struggle for the Revolutionary Unification of Humanity, Greece

How the KKE uses Marxist terminology to cover its retreat from Marxism

Joti Brar | Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist-Leninist)

The three major goals of the World Anti-Imperialist Platform

Stephen Cho | Coordinator of the Korean International Forum

No.2 July 2023

Glory to the heroes of Stalingrad!

Harpal Brar | Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist-Leninist)

Faced with the Euro- Atlantic warmongers of a potentially exterminating third world war

Fadi Kassem | Pole of Communist Revival in France (PRCF); Georges Gastaud | Initiative Communiste (IC), France; Boris Differ | PRCF

10 commandments of the most volatile opportunism and revisionism

Patelis Dimitrios | Collective of Struggle for the Revolutionary Unification of Humanity, Greece

No1. June 2023

The Tasks of The Anti-Imperialist Front In The Face of The Escalation of The War In Europe and The Far East

Collective of Struggle for the Revolutionary Unification of Humanity (Greece) | Patelis Dimitrios

“Our Theory Is Not A Dogma, But A Guide To Action”

Hungarian Workers' Party (Hungary) | Peter Gal

‘The March Towards Better World Is An Indivisible March’

Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia (Czech Republic) | Milan Kračja

‘”Divide and Conquer,” Our Necessary and Urgent Duty To Reject and Oppose’

New Communist Party of Yugoslavia (Serbia) | Aleksandar Đenić

‘A Systemic Crisis of The Capitalist Mode of Production Is Sweeping All Countries’

Communist Party of the Peoples of Spain | Juan José Sánchez

‘War on imperialist war!’

Communist Network (Italy) | Andrea Mencarelli

No to Fascism! Resist US-led War!

Belgium-Korea Friendship Association (Belgium)

The Necessary Anti-Imperialist Struggle

Communist Party of Argentina | Ivana Brighenti

Long Live Comrades!

Humanist (Indonesia)

‘Our Objective Is To Regain The Full Sovereignty and Unity Of Africa’

Pan-African Unitary Dynamics | Adama Coulibaly

‘The World Could Precipitate Into A Great War Of Global Characteristics’

People’s Party of Panama | Moises Carrasquilla

The Construction Of People’s Power And The Struggle Against Imperialism

Peruvian Communist Party | Ricardo López Risso

The Worker Against Imperialism

Levica (Macedonia)

On A New Factor In The Anti-Imperialist Struggle Of The Twenty-First Century

Belarusian Republican Organization of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union | L.E. Shkolnikov

‘The Military Conflict In Ukraine Could Turn Into A World War III’

The All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks | Nina Andreeva

The Deepening Contradictions of Imperialism

Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist-Leninist) | Joti Brar

Recent Japan Situation and Anti-US Imperialism Movement

Observatory Institution of the US Military Alliance (Japan)

‘Forward with The Worldwide Development of The Anti-Imperialist Platform!’

Chilean Communist Party (Proletarian Action) | Luis Aravena